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"okay... let me check him first.... So your name is Mael Suppasit...."

Suppasit.... Suppasit.. he is P Tharn's son...????

Type was analyzing the new info when an older lady appeared....


Type looked at Aunt Fai ... she has grown older because of age.. wrinkles beside her eyes and smile... the fall of aging was prominent in her face.... But she still looked beautiful... her face reminded her of her daughter...

Remembering Puifai and her deed made Type sad.. he moved his focus on to Mael.... He examined his ankle... and wrote down on the pad....

Aunt Fai seeing Type so grown up ... made her proud... she was so happy to see him...she wanted to hug the young man... but when she tried to approach... Type diverted his vision to her grandchild...

She just sighed and sat next to Mael... Type looked up to her and said... " I have examined his ankle... I would suggest you go for an X -ray just to be on the safer side... I am prescribing some light medicines to release him from the pain...."

"Don't worry and be brave .you will be able to run very soon.." Type said to Mael ..

Thank you Dr Kana.." the boy gave a beautiful smile.. the smile reminded Type of the only one he ever loved..Tharn... Type looked at the eyes... sharp yet beautiful.. a combination of the father and mother...

Type shook his head and returned to his work...he called the nurse in and told her to take the boy for an X-Ray.. Aunt Fai told nanny to follow her and Mael.

When they left Type felt Aunt was looking sorry at him.. "How are you Type?"

The young doctor cleared his throat and said ... " I am fine..Aunt.. how have you been? I heard about PFai.. Sorry.. for your loss!!!"

Aunt Fai smiled faintly... "I am sorry Type ..I am so sorry you had to go through all his because of my late daughter...I hope you can forgive her....and let her soul rest in peace....."

The elderly lady's eyes became teary...

Type walked to her and sat to the chair next to her.... "I am not angry.. Aunty.. I have forgiven her long back... sometimes its hurts .. but I have moved on... in a better way.... I have no complaints..."

Type gave a good smile.. holding Aunt's wrinkle hands...

"Type!! Does Tharn know you have returned?"

Type's eyes went wide... "Aunt can you promise me one thing.. Please don't let P Tharn know about me!! I am not ready to meet him yet...."

Aunt Fai nodded.." but Mael tells his dad everything.. I am sure he will talk about you also...."

"it doesn't matter ..Mael does not know my real name.... PTharn won't suspect at all...

Aunt Fai didn't say anything... she just sighed..and said.. "Type ..if you can meet Tharn.... He is not in a good shape ..for the past 9 years he is trying hard to stay strong......"

With that Aunt Fai stood up hugged Type and left.

Type sat on his chair.... It was a lot of information he received today.... He didn't know what he was feeling... sadness?? Hatred?? Loss?? Empty??

The nurse came in.. "Doctor your next patient is here"

"Please send him in" .... So Doctor Type Kanawut aka Dr. Kana started his services at City General Hospital.

After a few patients .... Dr. Suparat came in... so did K'

"Wanna grab lunch??"


Meanwhile Adrian called Type to know his schedule... and when he heard that he was going for lunch Adrian wanted to join.. to which Type agreed...

The intern joined the group of doctors were he was introduced as Type's underling... and the four men were enjoying their could be said that four best looking men were dining together... it was a mesmerizing sight... the nurses.. other lady doctors were eyeing the four......... they were gossiping about how one hospital can have four handsome doctors...

The day ended being Type extremely tired....he had a lot of young patients today..some were good ..some threw tantrums.. one of them even tried to kick him..beacuse he was giving him an injection...but all in all his day was perfect...

Adrian's shift was over for the day so he was waiting for Type at the reception ..... both of them were tired.... Being an intern ..he was gives piles of work.... He was not spared for being a new Joinee ..after all he was working at one of the best hospitals of the city...

While returning...they passed through a Chinese restaurant... and preferred to have their dinner that when they reach home they can go straight to bed...

Both of them looked like brothers....actually he always took Type was his older brother.... Adrian might be Bisexual.....but to him Type was his GOD... he was one devoted follower...

Adrian might sometimes flirt with his mentor....but Type never minded.. as he knew what Adrian thought of him.. that was the only reason....Type allowed Adrian to tag along with him.....

When they entered it was fully packed... only on one table a man was sitting wearing a cap and a hooded jacket eating both of them went to him and asked him whether he can share the table with them... the man looked up and said in a husky voice.. "Sure"

Type just saw the cold face of the man who was concentrating on eating his noodle soup...

They ordered their share...the started eating...

The doctors were talking about their day at the hospital... the man looked up and said... "you both work at City General Hospital?"

The boys were surprised to see the man talking to him... then Type replied.. " Yes .. I am a Pediatric Doctor... I Just started my job today...."

"and I am an intern.." said Adrian...

The guy nodded and went back to his eating...

The men finished their dinner and left the restaurant... Type was thinking about the man they just met ..he didn't know why!!!

Next day at the hospital

Mr Suparat "Dr. Kana... do you have a moment?"

"Yes of course Dr. Suparat..." Type replied.

"The CEO has arrived at the Hospital and I would like to introduce you to him.."

"Okay... let me check if I have any patients now..

"mmm well I guess I don't have any appointment till 11.. so yeah I am free"

"Great ..lets go"

The Senior and Junior doctor walked to the lift which would take them to the 4th floor which had the CEO's office....

Dr Suparat knocked and a low voice asked them to come in..

Both the doctors went in .... A tall man was standing behind the table wth hands in his pocket..he was as tall as Type...

Dr Suparat " Sir ..this is Dr. Type Kanawut ..our new resident doctor of the children's ward... and Dr Kana ..this is Mr Mew Thirigun our CEO...."

Type bowed to the CEO to show his gratitude when the man turned.. Type was surprised and shocked to see a smiling familiar face...whch he met at the restaurant last night... but today something was different.... That coldness was gone...he was smiling brightly to the new doctor....

"Welcome to our hospital Dr Kana... its good to meet you again.. I hope we all will work together to make the hospital reach at the higher level.."

With that he extended his hands to shake.. which Type joined to shake...and smiled... but a lot of question was running through his mind.. "how can that cold face be so much bright and lively?? Who is is this man!!!!???????

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