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CONFUSION ....CONFUSION............................

K' was clinging onto Type throughout the day...

Type was annoyed to such an extent that once he pushed K' telling him..

"will you stop hovering following my all the time... I am fine... just go finish your practical..."

" Doc said to be with you as long as possible...I am just doing what he for practicals Sam is there ..she will finish my work!"

"and why would Sam finish your work?"

"because due to my family I am his step sister and also his best friend.." Said Sam looking pissed at K'

"HUH!!! I didn't know you too were related....." - Type said.

"yea we are..we usually keep it a secret.. at school... we are just Best friends.." - Sam said "but we wanted you to we consider you as our best friend.. so don't think about it too much" - K said..

Sam just rolled her eyes...looking at his step brother much in love with Type..

Where as Type do not have a single clue...

The school ended perfectly.... The only thing that was worrying Type was Tharn. ..he cannot be close to him..

Tharn came to pick up Type from his Hostel for dinner. Type at first ignored Tharn's calls ..but when Tharn knocked his door ..Type could not hold himself to allow him in his room. Type was feeling uneasy in front of him.

Type managed to keep quite ..he dressed up and said,

"lets go P"

Throughout the journey Type didn't even look at Tharn...he was continuously looking outside the window.. Tharn was pissed with Type's behavior..

He cleared his voice and asked,

"Are you okay? You seem distant..? and why are you avoiding me?"

"Ummm...P.. I am not avoiding you.."

He said bluntly..and shifted his gaze to the window..

Tharn looked at him..but didn't say anything ...he continued to drive.. but inside Tharn was very pissed...

He wanted Type to share his feelings with him...but then he thought that he shouldn't interfere afterall... its Type's will too share ..

They arrived at the mansion.. both of them got down....and walked towards the main door... they rang the bell.

Tharn was watching Type continuously ... observing him

He couldn't hold himself..he grabbed Type's wrist...asked, "Type tell me what's wrong...?? Did I do something..??

Type was taken aback..his was thumping heavy... he pulled away his hand...and distanced himself from Tharn... but before Tharn could reciprocate.....Mrs Suppasit opened the door..

Tharn held himself back... he was not happy the way Type reacted to his touch...

Like every day..Type and the family had their dinner..Tharn was off..but still he managed to smile and have a happy family dinner.

Tharn wanted to talk to Type .. so he got an idea...

"Mom.... Why don't we invite Type to stay for the night.... He must be very tired.. and tomorrow is weekend... ill send him home.. early morning....

Well that's a great idea...Sunshine..please stay with us tonight..Thara wil drop you home tomorrow.."

"Err..Aunty.. I..I"

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