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Sam, K' and Type.. completed their day at school without any fuss. The new session will start very soon. So Type was thinking about what Sky said. He liked sports .. and wanted to join one of the teams . they had volleyball club, football club and table tennis club. Type liked football and volleyball... so he was confused which one to choose. He decided to go with Eye's suggestion. He didn't know why but he kinda liked Eye... he had this feeling of a big brother..

He left to write his name for the football club. After adding his name he was informed that there will be a trial session where their fitness will be judged. Type was confident about this fitness. He was fit as a fiddle.

The weeks passed with visits from Eye who was always excited to meet Type. K' was not liking at all ..infact Tharn was also jealous. How can Type give so much importance to a girl when Tharn was missing him the most. Type was so busy with his friends and Tharn was busy with the correction of exam sheets that they hardly met. Tharn was missing him like crazy. He would try to get a glimpse of Type while passing Type's class always seeing him gossiping with his friends.. and during lunch hours ...Eye would take his time. Tharn was getting annoyed.

Every evening Tharn would pick up Type for dinner..but he became so tired that he could spend his time with the young boy. The correction of exam paper was a bit too much. Seeing Tharn so stressed Type was unhappy. He felt guilty about Tharn picking and dropping him to his hostel. So he called Aunt Fai to ask for a bicycle... that way he wouldn't trouble Tharn and also will be able to meet him and his family any time he wanted.

One day when he was leaving school to his dorm he saw a big black car stop infront of his school gate. And out came the person who saved Type from that old man at the party... Llong. Type was delighted to meet him.. he ran towards him to meet him.

"P Llong.." he said breathing heavily.. "how are you??"

Llong... "Oi Type ..hello do you do??" ... "Im good Pi.. after that day I couldn't properly thank you for saving me.. P tell me whay do you want as a Thank You gift..." Type said.. " a treat may be.. but only have a little pocket money.." he pouted..

Seeing his brother pout so cutely Llong wanted to hug him..and squeeze his chubby cheeks..but he restrained himself. He only shuffled Type's hair and laughed.. " oh.. type you don't need to treat me.. but if you really wanna Thank me.. then I want you to visit my mother ...I told her about you.. and she had been nagging to meet you.. I couldn't bring you to her as I didn't know where you live."

"P.... I live at the hostel provided by the school.."

"Big bro.." A girl shouted.. Type was surprised to hear the familiar girly voice who is always clinging on him..for the past few weeks.

Type turned around to see his suspicions coming true. The girl was none other than Eye..

Eye came running to Llong and hugged him.. "What a surprise Big bro... did you come to pick me up from school..?"

"Yes girl.."

"Big bro many times have I told you not to call me baby girl in school.." she glared...

Seeing her cuteness.. Type couldn't stop laughing... Eye turned towards Type and narrowed her eyes.. she was so cute..

"P Type.. I warn you.. don't ever utter my nick name at school.."

To tease the young girl Type said "Why baby girl??" its his way to coming against Eye was she gave Type talkative lunch breaks...

"P ..stop it.." Sky was pouting ..and her eyes were teary.

Type cant handle tears... he gave up.. "Okay okay.."

Llong was surprised to see the brother and sister being so comfortable with each other.. this was what he always wanted.. now he could just wait for the correct time to tell Type his secret.. but first he needs Type's trust and love .. so that when he discloses the truth..Type doesn't hate him without knowing his side of the fact..

"so what say..wanna go to my house.. as a Thank you gift..?"

Hearing Llong... Eye was jumping and clapping hands happy to have her brothers under the same roof.

Type gave a thought and finally agreed..saying that Llong should drop him to Suppasit mansion later. They left school with Llong and Eye in Llong's Mercedes....


well so far Type will be introduced to his step mom.. he hopefully everything will turn out to b good.but i am worried about Tharn..

type forgot to inform Tharn...about going to llong's house..

no clue about how he will react..

stay tuned to know more..

keep voting.. keep reading..and also please follow me..what way you all wont miss any updates about my stories..

till then ..

see ya..sugarpies


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