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Chapter 24

Type woke up sweating...

After a long time he dreamed about him...about how they reconciled... but now those memories are nothing just mere memories.. nothing to cherish...

It was 6 in the morning... Type woke up freshened up and wore his track suit.. he checked on Adrian..who was sleeping peacefully .. he chuckled looking at how cute Adrian can look while asleep..

He silently closed the main door and went for a jog. It had been his regular routine since he left first it was to divert his mind from Tharn's betrayal but as days passed ..he really enjoying ..jogging in the morning.... The calmness and freshness of the air calmed him down....

The morning on the Bangkok streets was not empty..but not too crowded...... Type jogged to the nearest park enjoying the trees and the other morning walkers..

At around 8 am he came home to see Adrian walking out his room rubbing his eyes.. messy hair.... He looked at Type. " good morning P"..

Type smiled and shuffled his hair.. "Good morning... Adrian get ready.... We have a breakfast date with my family..."

Adrian showed his teeth smiling ear to ear.. "are you introduce me to your family as your boyfriend?" he teased..


"AISH.. P... I WAS JOKING.."..Adrian said rubbing his head...

"Go get dressed".. Type said and left the room.

Eye came to their apartmet and called Type.. " P come down.. I am already here.. we will be late.

The boys came down and boarded the car... it sped to Type's home...

They reached the Kanawut Villa....Eye parked the car and All the three went inside the mansion..

Everything was pretty quiet...just like Type left....He told Adrian to wait for him at the sitting room.. ordered Eye to keep him company..while the young man walked to the study.. he knew he would find him there...

As soon as he opened the door ..and pair of big warm hands wrapped around him hugging him tight.. "missed you Type"

Type hugged the older man .. " I missed you too P Llong...where is everyone..?"

Detaching themselves Llong started to walk towards the sitting room " well .. mom is busy with her Social Work.. Dad as usual went to play Golf... K' I at the hospital.. he will be back for lunch... you can meet him them...

"Wow you finally married Him..after 5 years of dating.... I cant believe you ..fell in love with him...By the way..howz your shoulder? Still gives pain...?? "

"Oh no..Type.. it has healed completely.. and Thanks to K' ...he took care of me.. and he still is.."

"Do you miss him? Do you miss P San?"

"Type.. I miss him till today..but that void I had in my heart after San left me.... Was filled by K'. Llong smiled.. "I am happy for you P" Type said..

"Yeah I am really happy for you....from the bottom of my heart.. I just wished that I could be as lucky as you.." Type thought..

Type and Llong came to the sitting room to find Adrian and Eye arguing about something..

"what are you guys going?? And hello Adrian.." Llong said...

"you know me??"

"you know him?"

"of course I do.. you are my little brother Type.. I have all updates about you..." Llong gave angelic smile.

Type rolled his eyes.. he knows his brother.. after the incident 10years back,..... he became more protective about his little brother....


Type...Type ... open the door..Type!!! Llong was shouting...

"Type ... my baby boy please open the door" .... Champ was banging the door...

"Go away.. I don't want anyone near me... You all betrayed me...each one of you.. why did you lie to me... why did you lie to me about P Fai???"

"Type .. please open the door ..I am sorry..." Puifai was crying....

The incident happened a month after Type left for the camp..

Tharn and Puifai had a college reunion.. where everyone met for drinks... their friends were there with their partners... enjoying the evening... Tharn was missing Type and Puifai was missing Fighter.. recently Fighter had been meeting up with a Junior named Saint...a cute boy with girly features... both Tharn and Fai were missing their loved ones...

They were enjoying the reunion party.. drinks ... night life ..the club was fully booked for the night.. the music was high... their friends dragged them to the floor... and asked them to enjoy the music...

Tharn and Fai were tipsy yet they were dancing close to each other... was it their empty heart or the music and the ambience..they started to move close to each other swaying to the music just as friends ... but as they were about to finish their dance both looked and caught each other's eyes... they moved closer very close until their lips touched... and once they felt the taste of one another lust... hunger grew.... The hunger which they were missing from both their partners... one was intentional (probably) another was totally unintentional...

They forgot others... around them. They only needed love and as human mind goes blank at certain times ... same way they ended their night in one of the rooms of the club.... Naked ..arms around one another.. boundaries of friendship was lost... boundaries of love was lost ... they were ashamed about what they did...which was cruel to the person who was working patiently to prove to everyone especially to his family and his love... .

After that night Tharn and Fai ..never came face.. to face each other,...both ashamed to what they did to the one boy they love... it was a blunder.. and they cannot ignore it.. two months were left for Type's arrival.. when Fai fainted .. at an event.. she was immediately taken to the hospital where she was declared to be 2 months pregnant...

She didn't utter a word about Tharn being the father.... She took the blame on herself..saying it was a mistake while she was drunk... and didn't know the guy..

Tharn was truly guilty.. he came to meet Fai one day at the hospital...and cleared his doubt about him being the father of the unborn child...and Fai confirmed his doubts ...

He was supposed to talk to Aunt Fai about it but their conversation was heard by Champ and Kla.. the both came in... fuming.. and it was Champ who hit Tharn... making his lips bleed ... Kla dragged Champ out of the room...

Few days later everything came out in front of everyone.. Llong, Champ, Kla, Aunt Fai, Thara's parents ..

They were ashamed about what their children did... but they mostly feared about the Boy who had no idea what all had happened in his absence

A night of college reunion did bring a big storm in all the peaceful lives of the Kanawuts, the Suppasits and the Yeohs(Aunt Fai's Family name).


hey my dear readers..

i hope i could clear all your questions about a little bit of what happened in the past ...

so pleas enjoy..

happy reading...

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