Character Analysis

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Today I will be talking about the characters of Tharn Suppasit and Mew Thirigun

As I read your comments you all are confused as to why I have the characters of Mew Thirugun when I have Tharn Suppasit ...

The thing is they differ in their character...

Lets talk about Tharn.. first..

From the beginning of the chapter I have given hints about Tharn's character....

1. He is soft hearted

2. Things about the society..and for that if he has to take any steps which will harm him.and his loved ones....he wont care..

3. He is too much emotional...

4. His nature is weak....not at all confident in himself...

5. Cant fight for his love..

6. Always feels guilty about everything...

7. He is not sportsman ship..accepts fate as it is.. will not fight against it.. to achieve something..

All I all ..the character Tharn is a weak personal ...

Where as Mew Thirigun

1. He is strong and confident...

2. Rational and knows what he wants..

3. Has the confidence to achieve what he wants

4. Focuses on what he likes and will go to any extent to get it...

5. Self made.. knows hardships of life...

6. Loves challenges and has the guts to win..

He is a strong character.. compared to Tharn....

The reason I have added Mew's character because I need to give Type a chance to choose... both are good in their own ways ..but it is Type who will be the last one to decide... where his heart is...

But what ever it is ..this story will never have a sad ending.... Because I love happy endings and "happily ever after"..

Just a hint.. Tharn and Mew do have a relation... they are brothers.. from the same mother...


Margaret and Scarlet are twins... (Margaret in Tharn's mom..where as Scarlet in Mew's mom.)

They got married at the same pregnant at the same time..

But unfortunately Scarlet had a miscarriage and she lost her child in a mature stage..her ovary was damaged.. so wont be able to conceive...

This was the reason she was loosing herself in depression... she couldn't take the death of her unborn child and was losing her metal stability ..always calling and talking to her invisible child.

In fact help they took her to psychiatrist ..but they couldn't help her..

Margaret couldn't see her sister suffering and gave her younger son to her ...and they couples decided never to see each they don't want Scarlet to suffer more reminding that Mew was not her own son..

So the couples separated never to meet again.... And made sure that the brothers never meet again..

I know its harsh.... For the brothers....but at that time that was only feasible decision they could take... for a mother... who was losing her.....


I have updated the plot a little to make the story more interesting... lets see how you all feel.... 

well i have updated my plot only after reading all your previous comments.. so i hope you all will enjoy the upcoming chapters..

till then see you..



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