Bared To You

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The tapping of Olivia's pen hitting her laptop echoed in her office.

Her leg bounced up and down hyper-actively, as if she were trying to distract herself, well...well, yeah she was.

She was trying- and failing, really- to push down this- this overwhelming frustration that had been building up inside of her over the past month.

It had grown from a small, wanting feeling thrumming through her veins to a strong, burning need. It felt like a feral animal trapped in a cage, pacing in circles and waiting not-so-patiently to be released.

Olivia tossed her pen onto the desk, sighing deep and loud in defeat.

It was midnight, and everyone had long ago left to their respective homes, sans a certain Detective.

Leaning back into the soft leather of her chair, Olivia slowly pulled off her glasses, placing them neatly on her desk. Her dark, lust-filled eyes staring at that certain Detective.

That certain Detective didn't notice, too focused on her work to notice Olivia watching her like a wolf sizing up its prey.

Yes, Olivia was indeed hungry. Starving, actually.

It was a feeling she had tried to suppress, to push away into the back of her mind, burying herself into her work as a way to escape her thoughts, and of course, her hunger.

She sat quietly, finding herself unable to remove her eyes from the younger woman. She didn't want to.

Amanda's hair was no longer up in a bun, and her blazer was removed, now draped across the back of her chair. She was busily typing on her keyboard, her bright blue eyes switching between the paperwork next to said keyboard and the laptop screen. Olivia couldn't help but lick her lips. The analogy hadn't been wrong; she truly was a wolf sizing up its prey.

Their relationship was far from perfect.

It was untraditional, the type that 'normal' people would frown upon. But it worked for them.

Most would call it Friends With Benefits but they were far from being friends. Their relationship- with whatever name you could try and apply to it- an agreement was nothing more than a release or even a simple fuck.

It was nothing more than a raw, rough fuck.

Nothing mattered other than a tongue dragging across a throbbing clit, and the pair of skilled fingers curving deep inside of them. It was just fucking, and Olivia needed it, now.

Olivia pushed herself to stand before discarding her blazer, not bothering to do more than just toss it into her chair and loosening the top button of her shirt. Olivia walked, almost painfully slowly around her desk, her eyes never once leaving Amanda. She passed through her open office door, shoulders pulling back instinctually.

The clicking of Olivia's heels against the floor brought Amanda back to reality, the blonde finally remembering she wasn't alone.

"Ah, Lieutenant? What are you still doing here?" She asked, her eyes flickering between her laptop screen and Olivia.

"Same as you." The response was a bit short, but Amanda didn't seem to notice. That or she just decided to not say anything about it.

Amanda looked up briefly and nodded, "Well I'll be leaving pretty soon, so don't worry about me bein' in your hair."

Olivia paused, deliberately giving Amanda a once-over.

"Stick around, you might like what happens." Amanda squinted, but Olivia didn't give her time to ask what that meant. "Follow me."

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