Skin on Skin (3)

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It was well into the 6 o'clock hour and Liv was still at her desk, fingers massaging her temples while trying to process the day she just had. The air in her office still dense enough to be pierced with a knife after her heated argument with Amanda a few hours before. Not a word has been said between them since then, and she knows any won't be said for awhile longer with Amanda already have packed up and went home for the night. When she thinks about it, she knows everything Amanda said was right. She doesn't know Brian anymore. Having him hide out at her house really could have been disastrous for them all in the end, the other right in the argument hitting her hard; putting all her squad members' jobs on the line for an ex from a part of her life she wants to get rid of.

She had been staring at her blank laptop screen the whole time while thinking about everything Amanda pointed out to her, finally snapping back into reality and tapping on her mouse pad so she can forward the last bit of documents over to ADA Stone. The darkness surrounding her and the headache brewing in the back of her head are the only signs she needs to tell herself to pack up and go home for the night. She shoves everything into her work bag and sends a quick text to Amanda "Going home now. Are we going to see each other tonight? Xoxo" not even waiting to see if the three little dots appear for an answer before letting it drop to the bottom of her bag and grabbing her car keys.

Her mind didn't seem to want to ease up on doing some intense thinking for her on the drive home, everything surrounding her in a blur. The radio station turned on to a channel she doesn't normally listen to that she can't hear anyways, and the headlights from cars causing the creases in her forehead to get a little bit deeper because of her headache. She lets out a louder than necessary sigh when she finally puts into the assigned parking spot of her apartment building. She grabs her work bag from the back seat and heads to the elevators, still not checking to see if she has any messages from Amanda. She figures if they don't see each other in the moment tonight she can catch her on FaceTime. Even if she doesn't know how to address everything that's been going through her mind on today's events, just seeing her girlfriends face will ease her nerves and help her relax.

When she finally gets to her numbered door in the hallway, she jingles her keys in the door and slowly pushing the door open and stepping inside. What comes into her view next is something she didn't expect to see at all. Amanda is sitting on her couch, remote in hand scrolling through the channels on mute so she didn't give away that she was already there, wearing grey joggers and a navy-blue tank top, bare feet propped up on the coffee table. Liv doesn't say one word as she puts down her work bag and slips her boots back into the wooden shoe holder by the door. Eye contact heavy on Amanda as she walks her way over to the couch and bends down over the arm rest to give her a kiss. Surprised when Amanda doesn't reject her and kisses her back, a little bit more force and hunger behind it than a normal greeting home kiss would be. Her eyebrows are raised in confusion even after the kiss is over, but she chooses not to say anything still, instead rubbing her fingers back and forth across Amanda's hand resting on the couch arm and then heading down the hallway to change into her night clothes.

Night clothes on and makeup off, she makes her way to the kitchen for something to drink, preferably wine, and she almost runs right into the back of Amanda, who's in front of the oven taking out their dinner that was being kept warm. The silence finally breaks after that, Olivia pulling Amanda to her by her elbows and resting her head on the blonde's shoulder. She peppered kisses along that warm shoulder until Amanda relaxed into her embrace and finally decided to speak.

"I didn't want to go to my apartment because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep myself busy being away from you so, I came here. I made us some dinner and then tried to stay distracted on the couch. Waiting for you is a lot tougher than I thought." Amanda letting out a combination of a chuckle and a sigh after she finishes speaking. "but now that you are here..." she cranes her neck a little to see Olivia's face behind her, eyes glassy but soft, and kisses her. Telling her in that kiss that what happened in her office at work will be addressed soon, just not tonight.

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