A Different Kind Of Poker

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She smirked as she shuffled the deck of cards in hand, her eyes never leaving the woman across from her.

"You think it's a good idea, for a recovered gambling addict to play poker?"

Amanda laughed softly, "I'm not gambling, and this is for fun..well at least for me because we both know I am going to beat you."

Olivia rolled her eyes, taking the cards that were placed in front of her. She smirked at the cards in hand. "We'll see about that."

"Same rules apply?" Amanda asked, her eyes focused on the cards on hand.

"Yep, same rules." Olivia husked while her brown eyes observed the focused blonde in front of her.

"Good." She answered firmly, arranging her cards. "And what were the rules, again? I need a fresher." She teased, her eyes lifted up to meet the brown eyes staring back at her.

"Strip poker, whoever has the most clothes on wins, and the winner will do whatever they want with the loser." She breathe out, sounding annoyed as her eyes rolled.

"Sounds right." She smirked. "Are you ready to lose the game and your clothes?" Her eyebrow raised as she took a swig of her cold beer.

"Mm, we'll see about that." Olivia mutter.

Amanda winked at the brunette as she anted "You know five cents doesn't seem like enough when I'm playing with a woman as pretty as you."

Olivia blushed as she put her chip in the middle, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder baby." She replied.

Amanda smiled as she put a blue chip in the pot."I bet 25 cents. But I bet a lot more that I'm gonna see your bra in a minute."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Well I see your 25 cents and I raise you 25 cents." She smirked as she put two blue chips in the pot.

"Feeling lucky are we now Lieutenant" Amanda chuckled, taking a swig of her beer. "I will take two cards m'lady."

The blonde put down two cards as Olivia handed her two from the deck, their hands brushed gently against each other as Amanda reached for the cards. Their eyes met for a moment, the love between them unmistakeable. Olivia smiled as she laid down two cards.

"I'll also take two." The brunette took two cards from the deck.

"Alright, I bet 50 cents" the blonde detective confirmed as she put down two blue chips.

"I see your 50 cents and I raise you 50 cents. "The older woman laid four blue chips in the pot.

"Alright, Lieutenant what do you have," Amanda smirked, leaning back in her chair with her cards in hand.

"Full House". The brunette grinned.

Amanda laughed "Well I hope you won't get cold with your shirt off, because I have a royal flush" Amanda laid her cards down, smiling happily.

Olivia groaned as Amanda took her winnings. Slowly, meeting the blonde's eyes, she removed her shirt slowly, grinning at the darkening of the younger woman's eyes. She dropped her top on the floor, her purple lace bra exposed. "Like what you see detective?" Olivia smirked.

"I do. I can't wait to see more of it." She smirked.

A few losing hands and a few glasses of wine later, Olivia found herself nude. She had lost, and she had lost bad, but that is what you get for playing against a former gambling addict. She sat on her chair, the poker table between them, she can feel Amanda's dark lust blue eyes scanning her body. She felt like a nervous virgin that was about to be fed to a horny teenage boy, but it was close enough because Amanda was the closest thing to a teenage boy when it came to her sexual drive.

"You win." She admitted in defeat.

Amanda nodded her head, her tongue licking her bottom lip." I sure did." She stood up wearing only her high school basketball shorts and a green bra.

She walked over to Olivia, her eyes never leaving the curvy olive nude body in front of her. "I'm getting the handcuffs, I expect you be laying on that table when I get back." She demanded.

Olivia's eyes followed the blonde as she walked past her and headed to her bedroom.

"Yes, ma'am".

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