The Christmas Elf

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Olivia Benson was sprawled over their grey, L-shaped couch, the remote to the TV in hand, staring at the screen where three chipmunks were singing Funky Town, dancing on the remains of a tree stem, their shrill voices slowly driving her to the edge of reason. Sighing deeply, she pressed the up button on the remote's channel section, only to realize that the quality of her nightly entertainment had just gotten worse, the I Love Lucy Christmas Special blaring through the living room. She pressed the button again and again, trying to find a channel that provided something that she could actually bear. It was Christmas Eve and she was on edge. Her girlfriend had been called in by their Captain the day before because they had caught a case in the last second. Both detectives took some much needed time off during the holidays and they were scheduled to fly out to the Bahamas on Boxing Day. Amanda, however, was gone now and the brunette did not know if she would make it back in time. She pressed the button a little more forcefully, rolling her eyes when she saw Bruce Willis staring back at her, "Yippie kay-yay, motherfucker!" just having rolled over his lips. Normally, Olivia would agree with everyone who called these movies epic, but not that day. She wanted nothing more than for her girlfriend to be there, cuddled up with her, relishing in the peace and quiet that the holidays were supposed to provide, happy to finally have a few vacation days.

Her eye twitched nervously when she changed the channel, yet again. The Santa Clause 2. She pressed the button. The Amazing Spider-Man. It's a Wonderful Life. The Night Before. Uncle Buck. Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Love Actually.

Groaning in frustration, the brunette changed to Die Hard again and threw the remote away from her, somewhere to the other end of the sofa, and tried to settle and just enjoy the movie when in reality, nothing really seemed right. She missed Amanda so much, even more now that they were supposed to finally spend Christmas together and even go away for a few days. They had been looking forward to this vacation all year, but now the blonde was out and about, chasing a suspect. Feeling a twinge of guilt persistently tug at her insides, she tried to focus on the movie, chastising herself for the thoughts in her head. She had never put herself before the victims and survivors and she was not going to start now. Amanda was going to return and if they had to postpone the flight, that was what they were going to do.

The thought of the blonde detective and her bright blue eyes, this charming little smirk firmly in place, made Olivia's stomach flutter, a warm, fuzzy feeling settling in her midsection, and she slowly but surely felt the relaxation wash over her, her eyes drooping until she was fast asleep, a dreamy smile still on her lips, the shots being fired in the movie blaring, but only serving as background noise for her now.

Amanda Rollins turned the key in the lock and opened the door to the apartment that she shared with her girlfriend. She was annoyed to no end. Annoyed by the soft dinging of her green elf shoes with every step she took, annoyed by the equally jingling elf hat she was wearing, and annoyed at the thought of how she had gotten into this situation. This slowly burning and bubbling anger and frustration, however, were washed away rapidly when she stepped further into the room after ridding herself of her coat and saw Olivia Benson cuddled up on their couch under a blanket, her chest gently rising and falling, while on the screen, Hans Gruber was in the process of plummeting to his death in a thirty-stories fall. Smiling softly, the blonde detective fished for the remote in the slit where the backrest met the couch seat and turned off the TV.

The room was left in darkness except for the soft light coming from the TV backlight; Amanda walked over to her girlfriend's sleeping form and knelt down, brushing dark tresses that had fallen forward back and out of the other woman's tan face, making her heart jump lightly, because Olivia Benson was unequivocally the love of her life. She kept stroking chestnut curls softly, the expression on her face undoubtedly having turned dopey, because the amount of love, a warm, fuzzy feeling, that was flooding her when looking at her girlfriend was almost overwhelming.

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