Sparks Flying (2)

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Olivia wakes up the next morning. Her head pounding, her mouth dryer than the Nevada desert. All too aware of the typical signs of a hangover. Her stomach rolling uncontrollably, even without moving. Luckily it's Saturday, meaning barring any emergencies she was free to stay home and feel sorry for herself. The boys catching any new cases, with herself and Amanda both off this weekend.

The brunette lieutenant thinks back to last night, racking her brain to remember the events of the evening. She remembers going to a local cop bar with her squad, she remembers putting away a lot more drinks than she usually would, she remembers having fun. But not a lot else.

Dragging herself from her bed, in desperate need of a drink, Olivia pads down the hallway towards her kitchen. Stopping suddenly when she spots a sleeping form on her couch. Confusion washing over her once more. To be quite frank, she doesn't remember much after the first hour in the bar, let alone how she'd got home. But she is definitely surprised to see someone still in her home. Taking a tentative step closer to the couch, Olivia wipes the sleep from her eyes, focusing on the body huddled underneath a blanket, a mass of blonde hair escaping from the cover.

Amanda. Clearly the blonde had been stuck with the responsibility of looking after her drunk ass as she didn't have work this weekend. Or at least that's what Olivia summises. What other reason would the blonde have to be in her lieutenants apartment? Ignoring the slumbering blonde for now, Olivia continues her mission for water, quietly grabbing a glass from the cupboard before filling it with water. The first glass she downs in seconds, before refilling it and using the clear liquid to take a couple of painkillers. The cool water refreshing as it slides down her dry throat.

Satisfied that the second glass of water will quench her thirst for now, Olivia makes her way silently back towards her bed. Feeling like pure crap, not really surprising considering. She just about gets to the door between the living room and the hallway when something stops her in her tracks.

"Liv?" The blonde utters quietly from her couch.

"Hey." She mumbles just as quietly. Unsure why she suddenly feels nervous about having to talk to her blonde detective.

"How you feeling?" Amanda asks, causing the older brunette to turn to look at her. Taking in the sight of the bleary eyed, mussed haired blonde half sitting, half lying on her couch. She stands taking in everything that is a just awoken Amanda. Losing herself in thoughts and feelings she had been desperate to suppress for a long time now.

"Liv?" Amanda prompts.

"Hungover to shit." The brunette finally answers, causing the younger woman to snigger. She isn't surprised, not in the slightest. She had witnessed just how drunk her boss had been last night.

"No kidding. I don't think I've ever seen you drunk before, let alone that drunk." The blonde comments quietly, a slight smile pulling at her lips as she remembers their shared smoking time the night before.

"Oh god. What did I do?" Olivia asks in mortification, unable to actually remember.

"Do you remember having a cigarette with me?" Amanda asks, her eyebrow raised.

"I didn't." Olivia responds, sighing in disbelief at herself.

"You did. And that was pretty early in the night. So if you don't remember that then I'm going to be here all day telling you what you did." Amanda teases, she knows it isn't entirely fair to play with her boss right now, but she's enjoying the discomfort of the perfectly put together Olivia Benson. Olivia holds up her hands, stopping Amanda from talking.

"I don't want to know!" The brunette says sharply.

"You sure?" Amanda asks, suddenly serious.

"All I want to know is why you're here and how I got home." The older woman says, hoping that those two events are at least linked.

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