Under the Desk

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The blonde's apartment had been the closest to the crime scene and after the shouting match that had taken place between the two detectives, coming back here had been a no brainer. Busting through the door the older of the two found herself being shoved onto the counter shattering the dishes to the floor, but nothing could stop them. Clothes flew every direction as the heated encounter continued, an entire bookshelf hit the floor, the couch was flipped in a hurried attempt to get to the bedroom. Finally the game was too much for the blonde, roughly releasing the warm mouth she had been assaulting, the older one found herself facing the wall legs spread receiving the roughest yet most arousing pat down of her life. Without warning she felt even teeth sink into her pulse point and two fingers roughly enter her, knowing she was being marked didn't bother her quite the opposite actually as she felt her body begin to explode. "ROLLINS!"

"Get back up here, I'm not done with you Benson."

The next hour was spent with the blonde detective worshipping the sergeant's body until they were both covered in sweat, the sheets in a soaked wad in the floor, and a very sore but sated brunette breathing heavily at the foot of the bed.

"I'm going to shower and find our clothes, when you can move again you can join me. Then we better get back to the precinct."

These encounters had started a couple months ago and were always rough. Never before had it been at one of their apartments though and that had been the breaking moment for the younger woman. Standing in the shower washing the remnants of what had happened as the tears flowed down her face, hearing the bathroom door open she sucked up her feelings as her boss and the one woman she knew she shouldn't have feelings for snaked her arms around her waist.

"That was amazing, but..."

"But what?"

Spinning around Amanda felt that this was the moment she feared the most. She should have known how it would end, Olivia Benson was never going to be hers and she had been insane to think it would ever happen that way.

"But I can't do this anymore. Brian is back in town and wants to get back together, I just had to have this one more time. I'm going to get dressed and go back to the station I'll leave you cash for a cab. Thanks it's been fun."

And just like that the woman Amanda Rollins wanted more than anything walked out of her reach.

She didn't go to the precinct like she knew she should, instead after a quick text to Fin claiming a migraine she headed for the bar. Not even bothering to clean up her apartment she went to drown herself in a bottle of whiskey and forget. Four hours and a bottle of Jameson later Amanda found herself back at home. Sitting in a chair at her kitchen table she dove into a second bottle of the warm liquid head first drinking until her head thumped on the table. The same way it had for the past month everytime she wasn't at work Amanda was wasted, filling her spare time with whiskey and random women, but nothing helped except blacking out.

Hearing her phone ring she saw Olivia's name on the screen against her will she answered.


"God you sound horrible. We got a case, Fin's on his way to get you."

"Yep, well see ya."

With that short goodbye the detective ended the call and rushed to the bathroom, emptying her stomach in the sink she looked in the mirror and realized if she sounded bad she looked dead. Washing her face and slipping into clean clothes, she sat back down to a cup of Irish coffee hoping a little hair of the dog would help her massive hangover. A text came through letting her know Fin was outside, sliding on her shades she made her way to the car.

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