Let Me Be There For You

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Olivia know she has to put Amanda on desk duty and notify IAB. She's farther along now and her stomach is really beginning to show. Liv can't help but wonder why Amanda is being so secretive about it this time around. Why she is wearing shirts that are a size too big, trying to cover her baby bump up. They are on their way to their latest crime scene. What looks like a brutal rape/murder of a young woman. Olivia doesn't want the blond on this case, she thinks it will be too much for her in her current condition. The brunette doesn't understand why why, but she feels an overwhelming need to protect the younger woman this time around. Amanda hasn't told her who the father of this baby is, but she gets a vibe that he isn't the best guy. They arrive at the apartment and make their way up to where the body is, and the scene is more horrible than they expected. The body is mutilated, and the girl is so young. The lieutenant's first instinct is to pull Amanda away, not wanting her around this, but Amanda pushes right past her. She takes one look at the body and gags, and the brunette turns her around, telling her to go. She assures the landlord that the blonde will be okay before following her outside. She grabs her long blonde hair, holding back with one hand and resting the other on her back rubbing up and down. Trying to provide comfort as the younger woman empties the contents of her stomach onto the sidewalk.

"It's okay Amanda. Just get it all out."

She finishes standing up from her bent over position "I'm good. Sorry, Liv you shouldn't have had to see that. That was so unprofessional."

"You're pregnant Amanda. You shouldn't even be around something like this." Olivia walks over to the car, finding a bottle of water so the blonde can rinse her mouth. Fin and Carisi arrive and check on Amanda before discussing the case.

Liv doesn't like this Accredo group. She doesn't like Arlo, and she wants her as far away from Amanda as possible. She can tell that this is getting to her. That this case is weighing on her heavily, messing with her mind. It all comes to a boiling point when Amanda pushes a woman out of a chair and throws her on the ground. She puts her foot on the other woman's back. Liv pulls her out right away and takes her into the break room. She gets herself coffee while Amanda grabs fruit from the fridge. And then the detective gives her an insight into her childhood. The older woman had known Amanda's father wasn't the best guy. But her heart breaks when she is told about her witnessing her father beating her mother right in front of her. Every time she learns more about the blonde's childhood her heart breaks more. Liv doesn't say much in response, knowing Amanda needed to explain herself, that she doesn't want her comfort or pity.

Arlo goes after Amanda again in another interrogation and Olivia hates this guy. She wants to get Amanda and her baby as far away from him as possible. Deep down she knows the other woman can handle this herself, but ever since Amanda told her about the baby. Liv has felt an overwhelming need to protect them both. Maybe because of everything that happened when Amanda was pregnant with Jesse, or because their relationship has changed so much since the last time. If the brunette got to decide, she'd wrap up the younger woman in bubble wrap and keep her at her desk for the duration.

Amanda tells her who the father of her baby is. Dr. Al a cardiologist. Something she doesn't seem so happy about. Liv makes a mental note to ask her about it later. She tells the blonde again how happy she is for her. Squeezing her shoulder, heart fluttering when Amanda smiles back at her and telling her how happy she is for her. Part of her is a little sad, about this whole situation, but she climbs into the car next to Amanda with a smile on her face.

"So, tell me more about Al. Are you still together?"

"No. We broke up a while ago. The baby is the result of a one-night stand that happened a couple of months after we broke-up."

"Oh. Is he going to help you out, be there for you?"

"I don't think so. When I told him I was pregnant, he told me that he'd pay for the abortion. He didn't even care. Right after he told me how much he loves kids. I don't know what I expected. He cheated on me the entire time we were together. He's not the best guy in the world." The blonde looks out the window. Sad about the situation. Like she messed up again and part of her hates that Al is now a permanent part of her life.

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