Hold Her Hand

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Amanda only had a few weeks left in SVU. It wasn't a complete goodbye because she knew she was just moving to 1 Hogan Place, but she knew she would miss her desk in the bullpen, having her friends as coworkers every day, and having Olivia in a nearby office. Alex had just won her election for DA, and the plan was to seamlessly move the detective into her old position. Cabot had planned on making the younger woman her first hire anyway, and now that she'd passed the bar, it was time to start transitioning.

The sound of Olivia's voice as she exited her office brought Amanda out of her thoughts. "Amanda."

She looked up. "Yeah?"

Benson grabbed her coat and passed one to her wife. "They need us down at 911 dispatch."

When they arrived, the two women met a young 911 dispatcher. "Benson and Rollins?" The cops nodded in the affirmative, each reaching out to shake the woman's hand. "My name is Mei Lin Wang. I'm team lead today. Need you all on a case."

Both women were confused as they followed Mei Lin to her station. This wasn't proper protocol for enlisting SVU's help. Olivia cleared her throat. "Who's the vic?"

"That's part of why we need your help." She pressed play on the recording of a recent 911 call.

"Hello? Police? Help us! Daddy's coming!"

"There are two voices," Amanda observed.

Mei Lin nodded. "Two kids. They sound young. Maybe six."

"Well, were you able to get an address?" Olivia inquired, looking at the screen in front of the dispatcher as she spoke.

"Call only lasted ten seconds. It was bouncing off of these cell towers," she explained to both women, pointing at the indications on the computer, "but we couldn't pinpoint an exact location. We're hoping they'll call back."

A voice from across the room called out, "Mei! We got 'em. Call came in seconds ago. They're on line four."

Amanda and Mei Lin deferred to Benson, as she was the commanding officer. "We don't know exactly what's happening, but they sound absolutely terrified, so we need to find them as quickly as possible. We can bring in the rest of the team after we ensure they're safe."

The detective nodded. "I'm gonna try to keep them talkin' as long as possible. You all work on triangulating the call." Amanda gestured for Mei Lin to answer the call, and she did, looking to the blonde for guidance. "Hi guys. My name is Amanda. Can you tell me where you are?"

"In our house," a small voice replied.

"That's great. What can you tell us about your house?"

The other voice piped up, "It's by a tree!"

Kids always tried to be helpful, but it was hard for the young ones to understand exactly what the cops were looking for. Amanda sighed. She didn't know how much longer she could keep these children on the phone, especially if their father was indeed dangerous. "What else do you see when you look outside?"

The same kid who informed Amanda about the tree said that when they looked outside, they could see the sky. "How old are you guys?" she gently asked, realizing they were likely younger than the three women had originally assumed.

"Four and three quarters," the same voice as before announced. "But I'm nine minutes older than my sister."

Amanda took stock of what they knew. So, they were dealing with four-year-old twins. And at least one of them was a girl. "Wow, you guys are really big, calling us for help. We're tryin' to find you, so anything you can tell us about where you live would really help."

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