Girls Night Out (7)

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They hung out for a while. They walked along the beach again. The silence between them not awkard but actually comfortable like it was supposed to be like this. It was just nice. Amanda hoped Liv would stay the weekend so they could work on things and even see if they were going to actually progress.

Amanda took Liv's hand, "So have you made up your mind whether or not you're going to stay? I'm kinda hoping you stay, but you are the leiutenant and I do understand if you need to get back." Liv squeezed Amanda's hand, "I do need to get back." As she said that she could see Amanda's face fall. Amanda nodded, "I understand Liv, I really do." Liv gently touched her chin to make Amanda look in her eyes. "Amanda granted I do need to get back and I should, I am also entitled to some time off. I deserve it dont ya think? I sure as hell do. And you know what else?" Amanda half smiled, "What else Liv? You got me curious." Liv smiled, "Well my dearest Amanda, I think it can be worked that I can stay. One thing though, I only booked my room for last night. Where am I gonna stay?" Amanda grinned, she couldnt believe her luck that Liv was actually going to stay. "Well I do happen to have a room for the weekend. Um, you did come to see me, at least thats what you told me. So why not stay with me?"

Liv held Amanda's hand and thought for a minute. She really did want to stay. She wanted and needed to prove to Amanda that she did want this, that she wanted them. Just before she answered she brought Amanda's hand up to her lips and gently laid a kiss on her knuckles. "If you really want me to stay and are sure that I wont be putting you out then I'll be more than happy to spend the rest of the weekend with you."

Amanda smiled, practically on cloud nine. "Of course you wont be putting me out. I wouldnt have asked you to stay if I felt that. Is it going to be hard to change your flight til Monday morning? Thats when I fly out?" Liv had to pull the blonde in her arms, she had to feel her, had to hold her. "No sweetie, it wont. I'm just glad that I'm staying with you." And with that they sat there looking at the ocean together. Ready to embark on this new adventure together. After a bit longer Amanda suggested they go and get Liv's things and get them set up in her room. She hoped Liv didnt feel forced into staying. Liv agreed. She was grateful for Amanda's forgiving nature. When they got to Liv's room to get her things Amanda sat on the chair and watched her. Thinking 'is this really gonna work? is this just nice cause they are away?' She didnt say anything though, she kept her thoughts to herself. She didnt want to upset Liv at all. She was tired of being abandoned when she made someone angry so she figured to not have that happen she would just keep her mouth shut.'

After they finished there, they walked to where Amanda was staying. She was happy to have Liv stay for the weekend with her. Her insecurities though, they were trying to come out and mess with her. As much as she cared for Liv, she just didnt feel worthy enough for her. She looked at Liv, "So what would you like to do tonight? Last night I went out and enjoyed the night life before running into you. Would you like to do that with me tonight?" Liv glanced back at Amanda as she was setting her things in the room. "Sure sweetie. Whatever you would like to do. I think a night out could do us good." Amanda smiled. She kinda wanted to do karoake again. "Hey beautiful, you wanna go do karoake, NSB style?" Liv glanced back at her from unpacking her clothes. "Nahh you're the one who's beautiful. I'm game for karaoke though my ass aint singing. Ill go if you promise to sing. I love hearing your voice. I've wanted to hear you sing again since you sang 'Whatever You Do, Dont' the last time." Amanda blushed lightly. She wasnt used to compliments. What she was used to was being told to shut up. She was told that in Georgia and she was told that by Nate. Thinking to herself 'what the fuck did I ever see in that man? Oh shit, I have to answer Liv.' In her southern drawl she answered, "If you really want me to sing. I think I can bring a song with me." Liv came over and touched Amanda's cheek. "I would really like to hear you sing." Amanda smirked, she was going to have some fun with this. "What do I get if I follow through with this request?" Liv winked, "I'm pretty sure I can think of something worth your while."

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