By Your Side

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The four detectives Benson, Amaro, Tutuola, and Rollins were splitting up to drive to One Police Plaza in two different cars, Amanda guiding dragon lady Mrs. Chang to the vehicle in the back, helping her into the backseat, before making her way to the driver's side. Blue eyes met brown across the roofs of both cars and with blue eyes sparkling and a tiny smile playing at the blonde's lips that was reserved just for her, Olivia was thinking about how proud she was of her girlfriend; she had made the bust of the Chinese prostitution ring, even though the blonde was being modest and insisted that it had been a team effort.

When the brunette opened her own car door, many things happened at once. The shot came out of nowhere, its sound echoing from the tall buildings surrounding the precinct, reverberating through New York's crisp morning air. Olivia's cop reflexes kicked in and she ducked, unholstering her weapon with lightning speed, when at the same time she heard a gurgle, a familiar groan, making her whip her head to the right, shock edging her face at what she saw. The back-seat door window of their car parked in the back was shattered and blood splattered all over it, Amanda Rollins sinking back, leaving a trail of crimson on the glass when she slid to the ground, golden blonde hair streaked with blood.

"Manda!" the brunette detective shrieked, frantically looking around to be able to pinpoint the direction the shot had come from while running over to her girlfriend's side. Her worst nightmare, the one of the love of her life being shot right in front of her eyes, was unfolding right before her and she scrambled over to the blonde, Fin and Amaro by her side in an instant. Trying to ignore the rushing of blood and the ringing in her ears, Olivia pressed both her hands to Amanda's gunshot wound, "Manda! Amanda!"

Blue eyes bore into her own as Amanda whimpered and tears gathered in her eyes, the blonde desperately clutching Olivia's forearm as the brunette tried to stop the blood exuding from the wound, the scarlet substance seeping through her fingers nonetheless, "It's okay, Baby. It's okay."

She barely heard Fin and Nick discuss where the shot had come from, their voices scrambled together in a rushing blur as they ran off into that direction; she hastily grabbed her radio, fighting the flashbacks that tried to worm their way forward, Alexandra Cabot bleeding out on the sidewalk ten years prior, Olivia's hands on her wound, begging the attorney to stay with her. Taking a deep breath and swallowing around the lump in her throat, she pressed the button down, her eyes never leaving her girlfriend, "Ten-thirteen! Ten-thirteen! Back up! We have an officer shot. Send a highway to the blood bank. Open up a road to Bellevue."

"Uuhnng," Amanda gurgled again, tears now pouring down pale cheeks freely.

Pulling her jacket off, she covered Amanda's wound with it, increasing the pressure a little more, "Hold on, Baby! I got you! I got you! Come on, let's get you into the car."

Another strangled sob left the blonde's mouth and she held onto the brunette a little more tightly, "Don't... don't leave me, Liv."

Shaking her head, Olivia breathed, "I'm not leaving you, Baby. I promise. I just have to get you into the car so I can drive you to the hospital, okay?"

Panting in pain, Amanda nodded and tried to push herself up to help her girlfriend, but she sank back down immediately with a loud groan.

"It's okay, Baby. I got you," Olivia soothed, sliding her left arm around the blonde's midsection and the right underneath her knee pits, her bloody hands lifting a whimpering Amanda up to gently lay her down in the back of the vehicle, fastening the seatbelt and slamming the door shut before scrambling to the driver's side and getting in. She turned the siren on and sped away, hastily fumbling with her own seatbelt while her eyes were focused on the road. The brunette stepped on the gas hard, flying around a corner, her blonde girlfriend moaning in pain each time they hit a bump in the road. Reaching behind her, Olivia grabbed Amanda's hand, "It's okay, Baby. I know it hurts. I'm sorry. Not long and we'll be there. Hold on."

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