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It was a hellish week, and it had finally come to an end. Duca had shut down his website by court order, the murder of the congressman had affected his career, or in this case ruined it. It was relief to the unit that all this bullshit was over and done with. Olivia walked into her apartment, placing her keys in the glass bowl and her purse on the table next to the door and her jacket on the coat rack, she walked into a clean and dim lit apartment. She smiled to herself at the quite sweet bliss.

Olivia made her way to the kitchen when she hear one of the bedroom door shut gently, assuming it was her son, she mentally prepared herself to be greeted with a grumpy sleepy boy until a familiar vanilla scent creeped around the corner along with a blue eye blonde.

"Hey." Amanda quietly greeted Olivia along with a soft smile.

"Hey, the kids down?"

"Oh yeah. Knocked out." She replied with a chuckle, leaning on the white marble kitchen counters; her eyes never leaving the older women. "So uh, Fin told me exactly what you said to Duca." She confessed, her arms crossed against her chest.

Olivia stepped closer to Amanda, face to face, their eyes claiming each other's. "I would never let anyone hurt our babies." She whispered, her forehead landing on Amanda's as her fingers gentle push back the blonde side bangs behind Amanda's ear. " and that's including you."

Her lips gently claimed Amanda's pink plump lips, she smiled to herself when she felt a pair of small hands fall onto her waist bring her closer, closing the little gap between them.

Amanda broke their kiss.



"Are." another peck on Olivia's lips as removed her blazer, slipping through the long olive skin arms,landing on the floor.

"Amazing" another peck to finish and her hands firmly fall on each side of Olivia's face as her lips once again claimed Olivia's. She couldn't help but smile when she felt Olivia's hands gripping her ass before lifting her up, her legs automatically wrapped around the brunette curvy waist.

Their kiss deepen, passionately as their tongue danced in the heat of desire. Amanda's hands slip under Olivia's brown locks, her nails stretching her scalp bringing the brunette closer to her. A soft moan slipped between Amanda's lips, the vibration caused Olivia's to smile to herself while her hands gripping tightly on the small woman's ass before her right hand slipped under the blondes pajama top, Olivia's old college shirt. Her cold fingertips traveled up Amanda's warm soft milky skin, pulling her body close to her, breast to breast; heart beats matching the others.

Slowly, Olivia lowered herself onto her couch, her back falling onto the soft cushion, Amanda's body followed her lead. The brunette hands fell onto each side of Amanda's waist, squeezing each side every so lightly. Olivia hands freely traced the small but curvy body of the luscious blonde, that straddle firmly on her waist. Feel of Amanda's body on her was enough to make her dizzy, her arousal kicked into high gear when she felt Amanda grind onto her, her panties rubbing against her thighs.

In much need of air, they slowly pulled back. Their foreheads touched,nose to nose as they struggle to catch their breathe. Amanda's eyes open to find a lustful pair of dark honey eyes staring at her.

"Hey there." She whispered.

Olivia fingers reached up and pushed the blonde side bangs behind Amanda's ear. "Hey" she replied softly, that only Amanda could hear. She leaned forward and straightened her back,bringing the blonde with her. Their bodies still close, brown eyes held its lock with the piercing blue eyes.

She leaned in to capture the sweet plump lips, the kiss was short and sweet. Olivia couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the disappointed look staring at her, she couldn't help but place her hand on the blonde's right cheek. Her heart flutter when Amanda leaned into her touch,slowly turning her head to place a kiss on the inside of Olivia's hand.

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