The More I Love You

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"So where'd you get the necklace, Liv? Should I be jealous?" Amanda Rollins playfully teases her boss, as the two women are relaxing comfortably atop an Adirondack-style bench on Olivia Benson's patio, snuggled up next to each other. It's a warm, spring evening: a comfortable 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the sun hanging low in the sky, and a light breeze. Olivia is nursing a glass of red wine as Amanda briskly sips a dry white.

"Oh yeah, babe," Olivia teases back, "she even told me she loved me when she gave it to me," she laughs, as she pulls the younger detective closer to her warm, perspiring body.

Amanda begins to pull away, however, and a childlike frown forms across her soft features. "That's not funny, Liv..."

"Babe," Olivia chuckles, "Maddie gave it to me." The lieutenant inches further away from the pouting detective, straightening her shoulders, and smirking. "We're best friends now," she declares, confidently. Olivia has not stopped thinking of her new friend, Maddie, ever since she met the elderly woman with Alzheimer's earlier last week. They shared an immediate bond, and although Olivia was originally convinced that Maddie had no idea who she was or why they met, she now believes, after receiving an "I love you," and the older woman's necklace, that their souls somehow know each other.

A sigh of relief escapes from Amanda's lips; though she trusts Olivia with her life, and knows she would never cheat on her, just the thought of someone else actually giving her girlfriend a necklace makes her stomach coil into tight knots.

"That's a relief...I thought I was gonna have to go over to Cassidy's and kick his ass," the blonde replies. "Again."

"What was that?" Olivia asks with an arched eyebrow, not entirely sure if the blonde is joking or not.

The lieutenant and the detective have been dating for several months now, and things are moving along nicely. Although at first, their relationship was borderline dangerous –especially during the beginning stages of Amanda moving to New York – the two women tirelessly worked to see past each other's differences – and eventually, a beautiful friendship blossomed. They had started dating very shortly after Amanda had gotten drunk during a squad outing and told Olivia she had feelings for her. The rest, history.

Amanda burrows her head into her girlfriend's hesitant, yet loving embrace. "Just kidding, babe," she innocently states with a shy smile. Olivia accepts answer by peppering the blonde's crown in kisses.

"Alright," Olivia states in an assertive, low voice. "I need a refill. Can I top you off?"

"You can top me in any way you'd like, Liv," Amanda shoots back, locking eyes with her girlfriend, smiling from ear to ear.

Olivia rolls her eyes at the blonde's "mind-in-the-gutter response," yet can't help but notice the rising heat forming at the juncture between her thighs. "I'll take that as a yes," she states, "be right back."

Amanda is in her glory as she carefully studies Lieutenant Olivia Benson – her lieutenant, Olivia Benson, get up from beside her and walk away. "Mmm," Amanda accidentally mumbles aloud, as she ruminates on just how much she loves seeing her boss in casual clothing – especially in the tight leggings she's wearing tonight.

"Did you say something?" Olivia inquires, briefly spinning around. "Nope," Amanda grins, "go on...I'm thirsty." The detective is met with another eye roll from her girlfriend, but she doesn't notice; she's already sprawled out across the bench, receiving sloppy wet kisses from her beloved dog, Frannie, and exhaling in pure serenity.

Amanda realizes she must have dozed off while waiting for Olivia's return when she hears her name being called from inside of the apartment. "Babe!" the voice calls again, "come hereee!"

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