"Minus points on the food." I commented and he clicked his tongue. He tried to defend his cooking and I laughed because I knew that he was really trying.

I spent the rest of the day laying down on the couch and watching Netflix, while he cleaned and tidied up the whole cabin.

He never whined and he showed me the trash bag full of used condoms. He made me remember some of the most embarrassing things I said when I was in heat like how I wanted to gulp down his cum instead of water.

I covered my ears and when he didn't stop teasing me, I threw him out of the cabin using my ability and the trash bag full of used condoms rained down on him.

I laughed so hard when he stared at me with a straight face and splayed his arms out. He smiled when he saw that I was having fun and my laughter  also made him happy when I felt it through our bond.

After the whole cabin was spotless, he took a shower and came out with his wet hair and he was only wearing his boxers. I ogled at his body, from his hard abs, V line, his muscles and his huge dick. I was unaware that my mouth was open so he closed it for me and chuckled.

"Eyes up here. Don't tell me you want to do it again?" He teased and squinted his eyes a little. I slapped his hand away and answered him sassily.

"Why? Can't I look at what's mine?" I moved his body closer with my ability and he was taken by surprise. He smirked before he placed his lips on top of mine and gave me a soft kiss.

"All yours." He whispered in my ear before he layed down beside me on the couch. He rested my head in the crook of his neck while he hugged me with both of his arms.

"I'm watching, you know." I told him but he just held me tighter.

"Why? Can't I also hold what's mine?" He turned my words against me and I smiled when I heard the word "mine" from his lips.

"Ok, fine. You win." I sighed in contentment when he massaged my body and I purred at the relief it was giving me.

I dozed off while he was holding me and I woke up time to time, only to see him licking the bite marks that he made. He felt guilty but I fought off the sleep for a little while to hold his hand and reassure him that I was fine.

"Yes, you could've held back a little, but I'm happy because this just shows how much you yearned and wanted me. Don't feel sorry, because I feel really happy seeing your marks even though they hurt." I explained to him and his eyes softened and I heard him say something before tiredness once again enveloped my body.


I woke up with him still beside me and all his limbs were wrapped around me like a koala. I called him and tried to get out of his hold but he didn't budge. I groaned in frustration because I really needed to pee.

I nibbled on his neck and tugged it slightly, careful not to put that much pressure but just enough to wake him up. This bastard had the nerve to smile in contentment while he was sleeping and rubbed his cheek on my head.

You left me no choice.

"AAAGGGHHHH!!!!" He jolted awake and stood in a defensive stance while baring his canines out. He hid me behind him and scanned the entire room for any signs of danger.

"What happened?!" He asked and turned his head towards me. I felt guilty because he looked really panicked and I immediately thought of an excuse.

"Um..Well..There was a cockroach." Was the best excuse I could come up with. Hey! Cockroaches are scary. They fly as if they were cute little birds, but hell naahh!! I shudder just by thinking of them.

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