"we had dated for 3 years then she had met someone else" jaden said

"did you guys every argue a lot?" taehyung asked writing down some notes.

"no we didnt, when she found someone else It hurt but love is love, we still hung out as friends" jaden said

"and how long did you guys date for" jungkook asked a little confused

"we dated around three years but she had been cheating on me for awhile with the guy she was currently married to" jaden say's

"what was it like when you hung around her and her family" taehyung said

"they argued a lot the poor little girl always got hurt by them, their son jack geez" jaden chuckles

"they argued all the time, jack was low on money and always stole from his mum and when his dad died they become a little rich but his mum wouldn't give him money cause he would spend it on horrible things" jaden says

taehyung nods writing everything down

jungkook asks him a few more questions before they leave and go to ask a few more close friends of mrs wilson before going back to their company.

they walk in and taehyung rushes towards the computer lab sitting down on the chair typing fast. jungkook followed him and stood behind him watching what he was doing.

"look! look!" taehyung says pointing to the screen

"ambers dad was rich and when he passed all the money went to mrs wilson, if you look here the money has already gone" taehyung says

"to their son" jungkook whispers

"he would complain about money, argue all the time, steal and apparently they never got along" taehyung says

"looks like jack is out first suspect" jungkook says

"have we gotten fingerprints on the gun?" taehyung asks

"not yet they haven't tested it" jungkook said.

taehyung goes quite for a second until he prints off the documents and walks over to the printer which had a phone next to it, he picks up the phone dialing a number.

"hi this is kim taehyung is there anyway we could have the gun for case number 102 scanned for fingerprints, also the clothes that were scatted in the room and the suicide letter" taehyung asks

"thank you so much contact me when you're done" taehyung says putting the phone down and picking up the papers from the printer.

jungkook hands him a file as he puts the bank statements in the file.

"how come you're getting them to scan those things?" jungkook asked already knowing the answer but he wanted to observe taehyung.

"well if you think about it this whole case looked like a suicide but if we test the suicide note it should only have mrs wilsons finger prints and with the clothes as well" taehyung say's

jungkook smiles nodding happy with that answer as they walk out.

"time to go visit some of jacks friends" jungkook says to taehyung who nods hopping into the car.

jungkook and taehyung were now sitting in a dorm room with some of jacks friends.

they had asked a bunch of questions leading up to the big question.

"where was jack 3 days ago around early morning, I heard he was with you guys training" taehyung says

"oh ahahah no, we only do training late afternoons" one of the boys said taehyung looks up at jungkook who nods

"what is jack like around you guys?" jungkook asks

"his moods change all the time" one guy says

"do you think he is aggressive" taehyung asks receiving fast nods

"I wouldnt be surprised if he killed his mum, he talked about how much his life would be if his mum was not here" taehyung writes everything down while nodding

they thank the boys and walk out of the room. they get into the car.

"let me drive you home?" jungkook says looking out the window

"a-ah not its okay" taehyung stutters

"please let me its getting dark and you have expensive stuff in my car if you walk home you could get jumped on" jungkook says voice laced with concern

taehyung sighs nodding as he types his address to the nave as jungkook follows the directions.

jungkook parks outside the home stalls and looked at taehyung.

"this is where you stay?" jungkook asks

"yup" taehyung says hopping out of the car grabbing his things, thanking jungkook and rushing inside his house shutting the door.

jungkook sighed looking around, he has been to this place before it was fill of drunk, sexual assault, crazy people. he had made many arrest's here before.

jungkook saw people looking through other peoples windows, he had a bad feeling. jungkook drove out of the parking lot down until he reached some safe streets and parked his car.

jungkook hopped out and locked his door walking back towards were taehyung lived.

he reached the door and knocked on it. taehyung had just gotten into his night clothes and had was just making himself some noodles when he heard a knock on his door.

he put down the bowl and walked to the door and opened it.

"gguk? what are you doing here" taehyung asked as he stepped aside so jungkook could walk in

"I was wondering if I could stay the night?" jungkook asked

taehyung was confused on why jungkook would want to stay here but he loved his company so he nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

jungkook looked towards the door and locked it so no one would get in.

he walked back to taehyung who added more noodles to the pot and grabbed another bowl.

"you can go down the small hallway to my room and I like wearing bigger clothes so help yourself" taehyung says to jungkook who nods smiling and walks towards the other room

jungkook looked around to see taehyung had only a single bed which looked new. he grabbed random clothes and put them on, walking back out.

"did you get a new bed, it looks nice?" jungkook asked

"yeah I got my first pay from working and baught it" taehyung says realizing how good it feels to make money.

jungkook smiled nodding as he sat down on the couch, taehyung handed a bowl of noodles to jungkook and sits down beside him as they talk and eat.

"apparently the dna will be coming in tomorrow from the scans" jungkook said as he watched taehyung's head turn towards him.

"thats great, hopefully we will find dna on someone" taehyung says

"you're really good at being detective" jungkook says smiling which causes taehyung to giggling thanking him.

they continued to talk while eating, jungkook and taehyung both stood up from the couch and walked towards the small kitchen to put their bowls in the sink.

taehyung yawned covering his mouth, jungkook smiled and lead him towards the bedroom after turning off the lights, double checking the door is locked so no one will come in.

taehyung walked towards his bed throwing the covers to the side and hops in facing the wall and closes his eyes, he felt the bed dip beside him and felt arms wrap around him, feeling a chest being pressed against his front.

jungkook pulled the covers over him and they both fell asleep.

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