partner in crime?

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a few days had gone by and they were still no where. they had a group meeting and it turned out that there will be a bunch of information that ended up becoming a huge blur. marshall was scratched off the suspect list, so was marie who they interviewed and she was out of the country when all this happened. 

"something that I dont get was that the papers sherly had in her office were documents saying how well the coffee club is doing, and how much money they are getting. it says this in the police documents" jimin said pacing back and forward. 

"josh have you downloaded any security footage from that morning?" taehyung asked

"not yet, I did that this morning as it was a bitch to access but its downloading now- it has 5 minutes to go" he replied. 

"good, any more evidence?" jungkook asked 

"no chief jeon, to examination of sherly came back with a shot wound that killed her, she had no other injuries" acacia said. 

"can someone pull up pictures of the crime scene while we wait for security footage?" taehyung asked. as nico was placing all the pictures all over the board taehyung, jungkook and jimin all stepped closer. 

taehyung's eyes scanned the pictures, his finger touching the picture in the living room. to see two cups of a drink on the table. "wait guys" taehyung called out pointing to the picture. 

"there are two cups on the table? she lives alone" taehyung stated watching as jungkook's eyes widened. "so she had someone over" jimin said. 

"thats why nothing was broken, or stolen" 

"so whoever was with her would of been someone she trusted. someone she let inside her house willingly." taehyung said. 

"footage is downloaded" josh commented. they all stopped what they were doing and walked over to josh, they all stood behind him as he pressed play. he fast-forwarded it a couple of times till they were at a day before she was found. 

"so dorothy talks to her by the mail boxes" taehyung said, saying out-loud what he sees. 

"talks to a few more other neighbours" jungkook said 

"they all seem to be older neighbours" jimin replied. 

"okay she lets a neighbour into her house, the day before she was found" jungkook called out. 

"now this is the day of and she has not come out of the house" jungkook said 

"look there is dorothy!" taehyung said and looked at the time "this is earlier then the call" he muttered. they all watched as she walked up the sherlys home, knocking on the door only for the door to open. 

sherly let her into the house, then the door shut. "fast forward it" taehyung muttered. 

"stop" he said watching as dorothy leaves the house, before the call. holding a pink medium box as she walks back to her place. "go ahead" the brunette said. "stop" taehyung said again. 

"she goes back out" jimin called out. they all watched in shock as she entered with a black box and entered the house without knocking. as josh skipped a little bit over the footage until she left the house with the same box she entered with.

walking back into her own. taehyung looked at the time to see this was when the call was. 

"it was dorothy" taehyung muttered, letting out a chuckle. 

"how come we could not check the security sooner?" acacia asked. 

"apparently they had be tampered with so it took awhile to get into it" jungkook said. 

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