last day

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it was the last week of the job and everyone was so tired it was wednesday and jungkook was out on a call, taehyung was at the department in jungkook's office, he was sorting out jungkook's office so he did not have to do it when he came back.

he was half way through when he felt the baby move a little- the baby was growing super fast in his tummy and his stomach was getting bigger as days went by. he did not want people to find out he was pregnant so he always wore jungkook's jumpers.

also it was colder so it was more okay to wear jumpers without getting questioned, taehyung was wiping all the bookshelfs and was sorting out jungkook's desk he had been working on jungkook's desk for an hour and he was finished.

just in time cause jungkook had opened the door to see his office tidy and taehyung smiling at him "it looks amazing baby" jungkook replied

"you think so?" taehyung asked 

"yes, but not as amazing as you" jungkook winked as he pecked taehyung's cheek.

taehyung giggled

"how much work do you have to do?" jungkook asked

"three more cases and then I am done" taehyung said 

"i have so much more to do" jungkook sighed closing his eyes

"I still have my reports to do" jungkook groaned 

"yeah about that" taehyung said as jungkook followed him to a box on a desk

"are these my reports?" jungkook asked opening one

"they are all finsihed" jungkook said looking at taehyung who smiled

"did you do these?" he asks as taehyung nodded

"awh babe" jungkook said wrapping his arms around the silver-haired male and pecked his neck when he felt taehyung's arms around his neck.

"you did not have to" jungkook comments 

"I wanted to" taehyung replied as they pulled back a bit

"mhm" jungkook said as he placed his lips onto taehyung's lightly

they kissed slowly and was filled with passion.

"mhm, I better go and finish my other duties- see you at home?" jungkook asked smiling seeing taehyung nod 

jungkook pecked his neck and walked to his desk and taehyung left the office walking out of the building to his car- it was his break and he wanted to go to one of his favorite cafe's and just chill for a little.

he parked his car at the front of the cafe and walked into the cafe, he had to have his belt on that had cuff's and other equipment as it was required so he did et a few stears. the smaller male walked to the counter that had no line and smiled at the worker.

"can I have a carrot cake and a coffee please" taehyung asked grabbing out his card and the female nodded 

"10.30 sir" she said as taehyung nodded swiping his card and thanking her before taking a seat, he was scrolling through his phones smiling at the pictures jungkook's mother sent him of yuri- she was at jungkook's old house with his mum.

taehyung smiled at the waiter who placed the carrot cake and coffee on the table and started to dig in, he heard the bell to the door jingle and heard people talking.

"tae?" he heard and turned his head around

"hoseok, namjoon, jin!" taehyung said standing up to hug them

"I did not even know you guys left until jimin told me "how was the trip?" taehyung asked 

"it was really good, mind if we join you?" hoseok says as taehyung nods and they all sit down.

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