family barbecue

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the week went by quickly, it was now saturday which meant family barbecue. this would be taehyung's first time having someone from his side of the family over and he was excited. he sometimes always envied jungkook's relationship with his mother. 

even thought jungkook's mother was the sweetest and treated him like another son, its different seeing your own biological family with your children and friends. jungkook was also excited, he was a sucker for family barbecues. he felt excited cause everyone gets to be together but also felt happy because taehyung finally gets to invite people to a family barbecue.

he knows how important family was to taehyung and how much it hurt taehyung to see other families together. so he loved seeing his husband so happy.

they spent the morning getting ready, making sure the place was tidy and the children had toys on the floor. they left the back door open so tannie could go run out side if he wanted to. before everyone got there, taehyung and jungkook spent the morning with the children. watching movies and spending some relaxing time with them before everyone had got there. 

when everyone started to arrive on by one, taehyung felt his heard fill every time people walked through that door. 

jin and namjoon, yoongi and jimin, jungkook's parents, taehyung's parents, hoseok and jessi, jimin's parents. 

the vibe in the house as probably the most comforting and calming environment that taehyung has ever been in. he was surrounded by people he loves, and the people he knows cares for him. 

"who got the ribs?" sir said walking into the kitchen 

"we have a lot of meat to cook" jungkook said handing sir the ribs and carried the other packs of meat to the back of the house, where the barbecue is. jin, jimin, hoseok, jessi and taehyung were in the lounge chatting while their parents were all outside with the others.

"it feels like it has been ages since we all last hung out" jin said with a sad smile.

"it really has been, whenever half of us were free the other half was not" jimin said laughing.

"that is so true"

"it was hard when namjoon, yoongi and hoseok were out the country for a bit." jimin stated.

"I am just glad we are all free and all get to catch up and hang out" taehyung replied, smiling at the beautiful people around him. 

"how are you finding the whole biological parents stuff?" jin asked taehyung who shrugged.

"its a lot definitely, my life has changed so much over the past 2 years but I have loving and caring friends, an amazing husband, beautiful children- including tannie. In all honesty I feel relieved knowing I am not related to dal and lisa. sir and ari are great people and are so good with the kids" the brunette replied smiling at jin.

"I am so happy to see you happy tae, its like watching you grow. I remember when you first arrived at the camp training" jin laughed.

"yeah lets not talk about that" the embarrassed brunette said, hiding his face in his hands.

the others laughed at the male as they sipped their drinks.

the evening went on, and everyone was having a blast. everyone was talking to each other, having lighthearted conversations. ari and jimin were having a conversation, sir and hoseok were chatting. 

taehyung was currently being back hugged by jungkook while he was pulling the plates out from the shelf. 

"do I ever tell you how much I love you" jungkook whispered.

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