telling him

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taehyung was at work, jimin was looking after yuri and jungkook was also at work but for some reason jungkook was not speaking to him. he said goodmorning to him this morning but he was ignored.

jungkook left without saying goodbye and to say taehyung was not devastated would be an understatement, he felt his heartbreak into a million pieces when jungkook did not even look at him.

taehyung sighed and walked to his car, it was his break and he was going to get a box and fill it with baby clothes and the picture of the baby scan to give to jungkook tonight. he was meant to tell him last night but himself and yuri fell asleep very late.

he was at the shop and had walked to a section and grabbed a white box, he walked towards the baby clothes section and grabbed white shoes that were so little and cute and also grabbed a few white clothes for a new born.

after grabbing a few more things he walked to the check out and paid for the items before walking to his car and setting out the box, everything looked so cute and he knew as soon as jungkook opened it he would know what it meant.

now he will be giving this to jungkook later today, he was thinking about asking jungkook out to dinner, but it would be a little hard to ask him since he is being ignored.

jungkook felt bad for ignoring taehyung, he was just upset that taehyung was not opening up to him. it is his duty as a boyfriend to look after, care for him but taehyung was hiding something.

he picked up a text from taehyung and quickly unlocked his phone,

baby: hey ggukie x uhm after work go home dress nice and meet me at this address ************* ***** *******

jungkook read the text and sighed

taehyung frowned when jungkook saw it but then did not reply, he groaned and went home- taehyung had told sir about him feeling dizzy quite a lot so sir said he does not need to do full days if he does not feel like it.

the smaller male pulled into his home and walked inside to see jimin feeding yuri a bottle

"hey" taehyung said placing his work stuff on the bench before walking towards jimin, 

"you okay?" jimin asks taehyung who nods

"what is wrong?" jimin asks as taehyung sighs

"jungkook has been ignoring me all day" he says 

"what? that is strange I thought he would be over the moon" jimin says looking concerned

taehyung rubs his forehead and sighs

"oh you havent told him" jimin says quietly

"I am telling him today! I got him a present and Im taking him on a date so it is special when I tell him" taehyung says fast causing jimin to chuckle

"do you want me to take yuri for tonight, yoongi is home now so he would love to meet her" jimin says "is that alright?" taehyung asks 

"of course, gives me more of a reason to spend time with my favourite gril" jimin says pecking yuri's hands

"I will go pack a bag" taehyung says as jimin nods and stands up to put the empty bottle in the sink while he tries to get a burp out of yuri.

taehyung had finally finished packing a bag of yuri's things and went back down stairs to walk outside to jimin's car and places the bag in the back.

taehyung then walks to his car and puts the carseat at the back, taehyung then places jungkook's present in the back as well- he was planning on asking jimin for a ride to this place so he can ride back with jungkook.

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