HighSchool!Ichimatsu and HighSchool!Reader

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Inspired by atiqah_syazwina's prompt.

Ichimatsu tapped his fingers lightly against the length of his mechanical pencil, drumming out a rhythm in his head to a song he didn't know. His dark eyes glanced over towards the teenager sitting diagonally to his left, watching her fingers count out the mathematical problems quickly before writing something down on the sheet of paper in front of her. His eyes moved back to the paper laying flat on his desk, scanning over each question that he had filled out.

He knew that he had answered all of the questions on the test and that his answers were right, but Ichimatsu wanted to wait until she was finished. Shifting his gaze back towards the female student, he couldn't help but smile at her excited expression when she realized that she knew the formula to the problem she was working on.

His fingers ceased tapping on his pencil as he twirled it around his index finger before placing the lead against the paper, acting like he wasn't finished with the test. His eyes, however, never left the student.

Ichimatsu knew that if he made it obvious, then the teacher would catch him 'cheating', rubbing his left hand over his bangs and letting the thick fringe fall over his eyes. Her hands moved quicker now, the pencil scrawling something on the bottom of the page before Ichimatsu recognized her testing habit kicking in. She hovered the pencil tip over every question, rereading the problem in her mind and following her own written out work to see if the answer was correct. His lips pulled back into a calm smile as he kept watching her hands move over the paper, focusing on the pencil as it skirted over the typed problems.

The female student was (y/n), a friend he had known since middle school and someone he considered himself to be really close to. She never did well on the tests, though. In fact, she was below average in her scores constantly, but Ichimatsu attributed that to her mind not really capable of applying what she'd learned to stagnant paperwork. She could work out math and science brilliantly on the board while talking about it, but give her a pencil and paper, force her to shut up and not talk through her thought processes, and she would almost fail every time. (Y/n) was a puzzle to Ichimatsu, but he didn't care too much about it.

She always asked him for help studying things, and he was always willing to oblige...as long as it wasn't at his house. The small house always grew too rowdy for his studying tastes, so they either stayed in the library after school or went to her home.

Ichimatsu raised his head a little when he saw (y/n) put her pencil down and flip the paper over, following her lead and giving her a small thumbs-up when she glanced back at him. This was the last test of the day, but with finals coming up, he knew there'd be more studying to do on the horizon. He'd have to ditch his friends to spend more time in the library, and most of him wished that (y/n) would be joining him.

The chime signaling the end of the school day sounded and most of the class burst out into groans, the students quickly standing up and stretching before grabbing their school bags. While his classmates filed out of the room, Ichimatsu slung his bag over his shoulder and walked over to (y/n)'s desk, laying a hand against it to grab her attention.

"Ichimatsu," (Y/n) looked up at him, a grateful smile on her face as she shifted in her seat to face him, "How well did you do?"

"I think I got most of it right," He looked to his right with a sly smile, a blush rising on his cheeks as she settled her right hand next to his, catching her pinky with his thumb and keeping her hand there.

"You're a horrible liar," She laughed, Ichimatsu not missing the dusting of pink on her face as he lightly rubbed his thumb over her pinky before slipping away from her hand, "I know that you aced the test like usual."

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