Naga!Brothers and Pregnant!Reader

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This is a partial continuation of 'Subject to Study'. Enjoy.

I was alone when the pain started, staggering forward and catching myself on the lip of the rocky door before I could completely fall down. Letting out a hissed groan, I rested my forehead against the cool stone surface before exhaling the rest of my breath, "Okay...that was a contraction."

Standing back up took some effort, my swollen belly making things more difficult than even before as I slowly waddled over to the reinforced bed of leaves. While I had slowly lost weight due to the severe diet change, my abdomen was riddled with dark veins and stretch marks that betrayed how quickly my skin had to adjust to the pregnancy. It had been a gamble every time I lay with one of the nagas, but after the past two years of fleeing America, I thought it was impossible.

If I was honest, I would've rather have the normal human gestation period of nine months and not the snake's range of three to six months...

Gently laying on my back while slowly adjusting my position, I focused on my breathing as the pain slowly ebbed only to come crashing back with each inhale. I didn't bother counting how much time passed since the first wave of pain; there was no human doctor here to time everything out.

"The others are clearing out the agreed spot," Choro softly explained as his shadow cut off the sunlight flowing through the open doorway, his cold hands quickly pressing against my forehead and left shoulder, "What do you need me to do?"

"I don't know," I shuddered through another contraction, feeling the weight in my womb suddenly shift and pull in different directions, "...I don't know...!"

"Shh, it's okay," His lips were a welcome distraction on my cheek, pressing against a fresh tear trail, "I brought some fresh water from the spring and some old fabrics to use as rags if you can't drink from the bowl."

I could only nod as he moved closer into the carved out room, shifting some of his tail under my head and shoulders as support while Choro carefully pressed the cool stone bowl to my lips. The water was still cold from the closest spring, a welcome comfort as my body's temperature raged.

"Then it's time?!" Jyushi excitedly pushed into the crowded room, pinching Choro's tail harshly between the rock opening and his own tail. The mamba naga painfully hissed a warning that went ignored by the reticulated brother, the sudden noise barely startling me.

"You're the last one that needs to be here," Choro snipped, his teeth flashing in the low light to expose the gaps where the fangs remained folded.

"I have just as much right as you," The younger growled, a guttural hiss piercing through each word as Jyushi appeared to tighten up into a strike. The movement drew another hiss from Choro as his tail was nearly crushed against the doorway where Jyushi positioned himself.

"...stop..." My throat was tight, reaching out and holding Choro's hand, " everything ready?"

The green mamba naga closed his mouth from the hiss, his dark green eyes flicking back to me while his fingers curled around mine, "...yeah. Would you like to try to walk there?"

I shook my head, "It took everything in me to just lay down."

"I will carry her," Jyushi interrupted as Choro opened his mouth to speak, drawing another glare from the older brother, "You're not strong enough."

Neither naga spoke as Choro begrudgingly moved out of the carved room on the outlook, Jyushi quickly moved in as soon as space opened up and gingerly picked me up in his arms as another contraction tightened my cervix, drawing a cry of pain from me.

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