Hero!Osomatsu x Civilian!Reader

743 18 12

Inspired by shimmering_clouds's prompt.

(Some liberties were taken with this AU. Corrected some names after further research.)

"Are you finished yet?"

A voice cut through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present as the warm bath water swirled around my naked form. Another knock on the door sounded, marking the person on the other side as a little impatient.

"Just finishing up, Totoko!" I scrambled out of the bath and grabbed my towel, quickly drying off and wrapping myself up as I slid the door open. The young woman I called my roommate slightly raised an eyebrow as she looked down towards me, a change of clothes tucked underneath her arm.

"You fell asleep, didn't you?" She pushed past me and started to undo the twin pigtails tucked low behind her ears, releasing the thick brown hair before pulling the pink headband out. I shifted my gaze to the floor, shame settling on my face.

"I didn't fall asleep..." I clenched the front of the bath towel a little harder, "Just got lost in thought."

"About the date he missed?" Her words were a little muffled from holding the hair ties between her lips, but it didn't detract from the sting I felt, "(Y/n), Osomatsu is a busy man. There's going to be times when this happens."

"But Totoko, this is the first time it's ever happened...!" I looked up at her quickly, watching as she started to brush through her long brown locks, "He's never been late without warning me about it."

"Are you sure he's not cheating on you?"

"I know he's not," Scoffing, I turned on my heel and headed towards my room, closing the door behind me, "Osomatsu isn't that kind of guy..."

Letting the towel drop from my figure, I headed towards the dresser and pulled out a set of night clothes and panties, slipping into them before going back to the towel and ruffling my damp hair with it. Sitting heavily on the bed, I looked towards a small picture frame before picking it up gently.

A man with short dark hair and dark eyes smirked widely into the camera, an arm extended past the edge of the picture and the other resting securely around the shoulders of a younger me. My hair was quite a bit shorter than it was now, tied back into a small braid with a pair of sunglasses pushed up high to act as a headband. I looked to be on the cusp of embarrassment, a heavy blush sitting on my cheeks despite the smile on my face.

A soft sigh passed through my lips, allowing a smile to settle on my face as I fondly remembered the picture being taken after our first date many years ago. There were a few rough patches when he was honest about his flaws, but I remained by his side as he worked through them while always promising to never let them get between us.

Setting the picture frame down, I stood up to hang the towel on the hook behind my door, returning to the bed and laying on top of the sheets.


The man muttered curses to himself, his prey no longer in sight amongst the partially crowded night streets of Tokyo. Keeping still in mid-air despite the wind pulling at his short dark hair and red cloak, the man's eyes swept quickly through the night crowd, seeing the joy or sorrow of the drunkards that let themselves indulge in too much vice.

He had wanted to get this job done quickly, the call coming right before a scheduled date. Silently cursing the vow he made to himself and to the city, the man descended to the ground and braced himself for the soft landing.

Sixfold Adventures (Osomatsu-san One-Shot Collection)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin