Naga!Brothers and Reader

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(There is a standalone story of this one-shot, published under 'Subject To Study'. Go check it out!)

I could hear the snickering of my 'co-workers' as I made my way towards one of the large enclosures within the zoo, shaking my head a little as their mutterings barely reached my ears.

They were mocking me. They always had since I was forced to start working here for what could barely be described as 'minimum wage'.

Lifting the large bucket full of chopped meat into the crook of my elbow, I reached for the employee's entrance to the enclosure, swiftly opening the door and closing it behind me as catcalls and whistles followed me in. I followed the cobblestone path deeper into the large enclosure, keeping an eye on the overhead boughs before spotting a red-scaled tail slowly flicking back and forth, almost in a beckoning motion. I reached up and gently ran a finger down the scales, feeling the tail flinch a little before moving out of my reach.

Soon enough, the upper torso of a human male lowered himself from the cover of the thick upper foliage, his deep red eyes looking around me before settling on my form underneath him. His messy dark hair looked to be partially combed back, as if he was trying to run his fingers through his hair before I distracted him. His eyes partially closed in pleasure before falling closer to me, revealing the waistline that blended human and snake together.

"Good morning, (y/n)..." He yawned as the muscles of his lower body slowed his descent, curling around me in a loose pile until all seven feet of his tail was within the circle, propping himself up on his own coils.

"Good morning, Oso," I shifted the bucket in my arm, the weight started to make my muscles ache, "I've got your breakfast-slash-dinner ready for you."

"Lemme guess," He barely opened his mouth to slide his long, forked tongue out, the ends waving in the air for a little bit before he pulled the muscle back in, "Beef mixed with chicken and fish."

"Close. I snuck in a treat," Without gagging, I reached deep into the bucket and pulled out the limp body of a blue-tongued skink. I held it out as I watched Oso's eyes contract into wide black discs, taking in every detail about what he saw. He lunged for the skink, catching the head in his mouth as he tightened his coils in excitement, greedily chewing on the lizard before swallowing it.

"Where did you get it...?" Oso turned his gaze towards me, the pupils constricting back into their normal round shapes again.

"I didn't get it from one of the exhibits here, if you're curious," I held out the bucket to him, "I've still got to feed the others, so just leave the bucket by the door as usual."

"They're doing okay?" He easily lifted the bucket from my hands, grabbing a handful of meat before popping it into his mouth, "Are they treating you well?"

"Your clutchmates are doing fine, treatment isn't getting worse," I hesitated a little bit, "I'm still trying to find a way to get you guys out of here..."

"There's no rush, (y/n)."

That's what Oso always said, but I knew he was itching to get out of here just as much as his clutchmates, his five other brothers. It was my fault for them being put in here as a freakshow exhibition, and it was my job to get them out and back to their homeland. I mindlessly ran a hand over Oso's black scales, admiring the coloration as the pure blood red color that surrounded his waist blended into an iridescent black before fading back into the red as the scales grew closer to the tail.


That's what Oso and his brothers were. Creatures of fantasy thought to never have existed.

I felt his muscles partially constrict under my hand, as if trying to make me pet his scales faster by moving my hand for me. I gave him a final pat before climbing out of his coils, looking back at him before heading back towards the door.

Sixfold Adventures (Osomatsu-san One-Shot Collection)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ