SuperPower!Brothers and Sister!Reader

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Flashes of fire and lightning collided as I quietly sipped the freshly made green mint tea, focusing on the novel in my free hand while partially ignoring the sibling brawl behind me. My eye twitched in annoyance as I stretched out my arm fully, an arc of lightning zipping between the book and my head before it was safely collected by the custom designed lightning rods installed in each corner of the room.

"Would you stop it?" Choromatsu called out, a gentle wind filling the room as my third-oldest brother stepped into the makeshift arena, "Go fight in the actual practice room. You're gonna burn the place down."

"...or ruin my books again," I threw in, the words quiet but the tone intentionally aggravated.

"We weren't gonna get that carried away," The older sextuplet complained, his voice whining like a petulant child denied a wish, "Jyushimatsu and I were gonna keep it calm."

Both Choromatsu and I huffed as our index fingers raised to the fully charged storage battery near the door, the very same one that was kept empty to catch any stray lightning from our hyperactive brother.

"Ahah hah! Too much energy, I guess!" The aforementioned brother laughed with a hearty guffaw, his extra-long sleeves shaking loose to cover his hands once more.

"If you get carried away with your abilities, you're gonna hurt someone...or worse," I rested a finger on the page I was on, closing the novel and looking at the two brawlers, "When are you gonna listen to what we're trying to say?"

"Pfft," Osomatsu scoffed lightly as he tucked his hands into his jacket pockets, swiftly jerking his head up to slide the darkened safety shades off of his eyes, "Choromatsu and Karamatsu have abilities that can hardly hurt anyone. It's not my fault that I've got fire."

"We're lucky that I can mediate the damage you cause," The second-eldest brother stepped into the room and conversation, adjusting his slim black gloves while shooting a warning look at the eldest, "Just listen to our sister's warning."

Osomatsu let out a groan, rolling his eyes at the comment before trudging towards the doorway, "Okay, okay...We'll go."

"Why do you stay in here when they start acting up?" Choromatsu crossed his legs as he sat down at the table next to me, reaching over and peeling a mandarin orange while keeping his gaze on the previous occupants, "You know you don't have anything to protect nor Ichimatsu."

"You should know that I was here first, trying to read in the silence of our empty house before Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu came back from what sounded like a heated gambling run," I opened my book again, flipping to the saved page, " would be more dangerous to try and move out of the room when they were going all out. I was a part of the scenery as far as they were concerned."

Choromatsu hummed quietly in acknowledgement, "I understand, but..."

I flinched as I felt the back of his index finger brush against the fresh scar on the left side of my neck, partially hidden by the gray sweatshirt hood I always kept up. Slamming the book shut, I backed away from his reach and stood up, "Stop treating me like damaged goods, Choromatsu. I'm not that weak."

"You think that our parents scraped and scrounged for this equipment to flatter us?" He motioned to the installed lightning rods, draining storage battery, and the flame retardant fabric hanging around the room -- the same equipment that was installed throughout the entire house, "We all got scared when these powers started manifesting and, with both you and Ichimatsu not showing any signs of gaining abilities of your own, we wanted to make sure that everyone was safe in this family."

"I know that," I glared at him, my gaze barely softening at the large paper fan clipped to his right upper arm, the paper carrying his signature green color, "...I know. I just hate it when you guys coddle me like a baby."

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