--Mature-- MatsuNoir!Osomatsu x Reader, Part 2

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Inspired by shimmering_clouds's prompt.

(Continuation of their first request, MatsuNoir!Osomatsu x Reader)


WARNING! This is a mature chapter, and meant for an 18+ audience. If you're younger than that, I respectfully ask that you find something else to read.

If you're older than 18, you may continue at your own discretion.

This story contains sexual scenes (male to female).


His finger tapped against the bedside table as he stared at the notepad in his other hand. With the new year coming up in a few days, he wanted to make sure that everything went perfectly.

Was 8 a.m. too early for (y/n)?

Fuck, was it too early for him?

This date had been plaguing him for more than a week, his near-perfectionist nature unable to rest until he had everything right.

Osomatsu stopped tapping the table and ran his hand through his drying hair, lounging back once more on his bed as the red towel barely remained tucked around his waist. His dark eyes shifted from the paper to his fingers playing with his bangs, eyeing the longer length of hair.

Should he get it cut? Would it be obvious to (y/n)?

Ruffling his hair once more, Osomatsu decided against the haircut as he picked up the pen once more, scratching out something on the schedule before pressing the end of the pen into his bottom lip.

The schedule itself wasn't that complicated: a nice walk through the local park in the morning (or an early movie if it was raining), then a light lunch before heading to either the museum or planetarium. Afterwards, he obtained a reservation for a nice dinner, then they'd grab a front seat for the Chinese New Year parade before settling down for the night.

Osomatsu looked over the plan multiple times, ensuring that the timing worked out perfectly. The weather wouldn't really be an issue unless it started to rain a little later into the night, but the forecast had been reporting that it would be clear the entire day.

With a heavy sigh, he let his hands fall to his sides, letting his body sink down into the semi-firm bed as he relaxed.

Osomatsu wanted this New Year to be special, as it would mark the completion of one year dating (y/n). Their date at Kowloon Park a few months ago had marked the first time they kissed...but it was getting harder for him to not get greedy.

He wanted more...wanted all of her.

She was so shy about it that he couldn't help but fall harder for her whenever the subject was brought up about becoming physically closer as a couple, visually devouring the strawberry-pink color that her face turned whenever she blushed and nearly driving himself mad when he imagined that color underneath him.

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