DenkiMystery!Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu x Reader

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Inspired by DemisexualKaraKinnie's prompt.

 "Akatsuka Village?" I raised an eyebrow as I stopped packing the camera case.

"Yeah," The man sighed as he straightened out his back from leaning over the suitcase on the bed, glancing back at me, "Editor Matsuzo got some info that there's been strange events happening there and he wants to see if it's newsworthy enough."

"Karatsugu, that's on the other side of Japan!" A look of confusion crossed my face, "It's nowhere close enough for The Tokyo Shimbun to publish their stories in the paper."

"There's a small branch in the same prefecture as Akatsuka Village and we're just there to help them out since they're low on staff," Karatsugu finished packing up his suitcase before setting it on the floor, "You're my photographer, (y/n), so I want you to come with me."

"It's not like I have much of a choice," I muttered as I packed my tools away, zipping up the backpack and laying it against his suitcase with both of our clothing packed inside. I barely caught the look he gave me before feeling his arms wrap around my waist and pulling me against him, his chin resting against my shoulder despite our height difference.

"Consider it a vacation from the dangerous places we're normally sent to," His breath caressed my ear, making me laugh a little, "You know that I'd rather you not follow me at all into the dark sides of Tokyo."

"And you know that I promised to always have your back," I pushed against him before stepping out of his arms, "Someone's gotta keep you out of trouble."

Karatsugu stood to his full height as he ran a hand through his hair, a knowing smile resting on his lips. I grabbed both articles of luggage and dragged them next to the hotel room door, looking at my wristwatch to see that we only had fifteen minutes before our arranged taxi would arrive.

"I hear that Chorosuke has been living in Akatsuka Village for some time."

"Chorosuke? His family moved there?" I held a hand against my right cheek to try and hide the sudden flush in my face before turning to look at Karatsugu, "I wonder if he's still following his father's footsteps in the floristry business."

"From what he wrote, he's thriving," A rustle of paper caught my attention as Karatsugu pulled out a folded letter from his back pocket, "Says that he wished to see you soon to show you his new skills."

"Karatsugu!" I cried out as I rushed towards him, playfully reaching for the letter before falling against him and landing on top of the bed, "You hid that from me?"

"You left it unopened for a few days in the office, so I just opened it for you," He laughed before lowering the letter towards me and wrapping an arm around my back, keeping me on top, "It's not my fault that I get jealous sometimes."

"You're terrible," With the letter finally in my hand, I lowered my head and kissed Karatsugu on the lips, smiling a little when he returned the kiss.


The short flight from Tokyo to Fukuoka was uneventful, thankfully, but the bus ride from Nakagawa was long and hot. From the bus station, Karatsugu and I hailed a taxi to Akatsuka Village, finding out that the taxi driver was from there after a bit of back-and-forth conversation. His name was Ozo Akashika and was pretty chatty with Karatsugu when I didn't offer anything more to whatever they were talking about.

I was too busy looking out at the wilderness as the cityscape faded behind us, watching as nature grew large in scale before the taxi slowed down as it entered the village limits. Something caught my eye within the forest tree line, seeing a distant figure with a box-shaped head looking right at me as the taxi drove past. I couldn't see its eyes, but an unsettling feeling of fear washed over me and made me sink more into the backseat, my hands tightening on the fabric of my pants.

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