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Sam, Kat, Colby, and Brennen got in one car, Jake, Tara, Corey in another, then me and Angelina in mine. Just because we planned on going back to our hotel after this.

I was silent when we first started driving to the restaurant, mainly because I was still tired, and my head still hurt a little. Figuring the ibuprofen would fully kick in after I got some food in me. Colby probably bounced back so fast because this was something he was used to.

"Where did you end up sleeping last night?" I asked, glancing over at her. "They had a guest room, and Kat gave me some clothes to wear to bed. I wasn't nearly as drunk as all of you guys."

"Well did you enjoy your first Hollywood party?" She nodded her head. "Yeah dude, it was really fun. I'm glad that we got to experience it together. I'll never forget this trip. We've had so many crazy experiences."

"I know you don't remember most of last night, but if only you could've seen yourself. I haven't seen you let lose like that in so long. I know you loved Evan, but moving in was definitely in your favor. Wether you were dancing with the girls or any of the guys, but you and Colby definitely had something going on. You know whatever you chose to do, I'll be right by your side, please don't ever forget that." Angelina said, reaching out and resting her hand on my shoulder as I pulled into an empty parking space.

"I love you so much. I have no idea what I would do without you in my life." I let out a chuckle, shaking my head. "Okay, okay, let's not get too emotional. We can one hundred percent be all in our feelings after this when we get back to the hotel. The rest of today is just me and you."

As I unbuckled my seatbelt and went to get out of the car, Angelina stopped me. "Wait!" My brows furrowed as I looked over at her. "What is it?" I asked, confused on to what she was stopping me from getting out of the car for. She held up her phone which was playing a video she recorded. It was the exact moment when Colby and I transitioned from dancing, giving Corey my drink, and us kissing.

"Oh my god.." my jaw almost wanted to drop on the floor. I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't seeing it for my own eyes. "Colby has to see this."

We got out of the car and made it inside of the restaurant where everyone was waiting. There was two open seats in between Colby and Brennen, so we sat down. Colby was looking at the menu when I nudged his arm with my elbow.

"What's up, Soph?" He asked, turning his head to face me. "The stuff everyone was talking about before we left, Angelina has it on her phone. She was trying to get a video of us dancing because she knew I was really drunk and wouldn't remember it. The kiss... it's in it."

"Wait, so they were actually being serious?" I molded my head and held up Angelina's phone and played the video for him. We both sat there watching it, and his jaw dropped a little when he saw us kiss. I think we both wanted to smack ourselves, having no memory of this moment was killing me. "Wow, I honestly thought they were joking." He said, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Liquid courage, am I right?" I said, letting out an awkward laugh.

There was really video proof that I made out with my celebrity crush.

After everyone ordered their food we all commenced into different conversations. I ordered my breakfast staple, chicken and waffles, but since this was also brunch I ordered a side of mac and cheese and rootbeer. If anyone knew my order by heart, it would be Angelina.

She was busy talking to Brennan about a place he reviewed for his channel, they started talking about this when she brought up wanting to go there and try the food before we went back home.

Saturday morning was going to be here in less than three full days. My heart has grown to love being in LA so much, and the company we've been in this entire time has made me so happy. It made me feel better than being back home, living in a big house by myself which was just a reminder that I was fully alone. No partner, no pets, it was all gone. I was really starting to come to the terms that I needed to leave. It was no longer my home. But I still had no idea if LA was really my home, but what other signs did I actually need at this point?

"Hey, you good?" Colby asked, which pulled me from my thoughts, and I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm good. I just have a lot on my mind." I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Would you feel better if we got some air and talked?" He asked. I looked at his ocean blue eyes, and you could see there was a tinge of sadness in them. "Yeah, let's go."

We both pushed our seats out and got up, I leaned down to tell Angelina to text me when the food came out, which she nodded in response and went back to her conversation with Brennan.

He held the door open and I walked outside and he followed closely behind me. We went to the edge of the sidewalk that was on the border of the restaurant and sat down. "So tell me, what's bothering you?" He asked, resting his hand on the small of my back.

"There's just a lot on my mind, I guess. It's been that way since I booked that trip. It was just time after everything that happened, I just needed a break from life back at home. Denver doesn't feel like home anymore." I let out a quiet sigh and shook my head.

"What makes you feel that way?" He asked. "Honestly?" I asked, looking over at him. "Honestly." He said, resting his hand on top of mine. "It's what Angelina said in the car when we pulled in to come eat. She showed me that video and told me she recorded it because she wanted to show me how happy I was just going around and dancing with everyone. I guess in a way I was just upset I was too drunk to remember anything. The kiss in truth or dare doesn't actually count, it's a game. I haven't kissed anyone but my ex in the last five years, nor even talked to new guys that weren't my friends. Home doesnt feel like home because I own a huge house and I'm by myself. He's gone, he's been gone. He took all the pets. It's just me. I love my friends and family dearly, but home doesn't feel like home."

He gently rubbed his hand up and down on my back, nodding his head here and there as I spoke. "Did hanging out with me and my friends make you feel this way?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I have always been looking for an excuse to come out to LA, and especially to see if there would be a sign that I should move out here. I have a boring job back at home, I don't want to go home and relive my past. I don't want to be depressed because home doesn't have what I want." I paused for a moment. "I want to travel the world, I've always wanted to get into explorations and ghost hunting. I want to do something I enjoy I'm my life, there's just a lot of thinking on if I want to spend an arm and a leg to come live out here when I'm a nobody."

"If we could do it, I think you can too. I'm being honest." He said, smiling softly. "You're more than welcome to ever come here if you need somewhere to stay. But I can tell you're strong, you wouldn't chase after something if it scared you that bad. You do your research and you know exactly what you're doing."

He stood up and held his hand out to me, and I placed my hand in his and stood up. He pulled me into a tight hug and I buried my face into his chest, letting out a deep sigh.

I had a lot to think about by the time this trip was over.

The Adventure of My Dreams {Colby Brock}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن