Ten {Colby's POV}

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"Do you need help... getting to the light?" Sophia asked.


"He's coming."

Suddenly we heard a thud come from upstairs. "Oh fuck.." Sophia mumbled out. "Guys, we forgot David is watching. What if he doesn't want them to cross over so he can continue to profit off of what happens here?"

Just as she asked that, David came storming into the room. "What do you kids think you're doing? I told you that you could investigate, not send my spirits to cross over. They'll do it if I say so. They should be more afraid of me than Manson." He spat.

"David, come on. That's sick to profit off of their murders just to keep you going. They're trapped. They're unhappy. You can't do this to someone." Sam said.

Hearing what this man had to say really angered me. Never have we ever come into contact with an owner of a haunted location that had a mindset like this. It was beyond fucked, and seemed to back up how big of a fucking creep he was. "How would you like it if you got murdered the same way they did, and your soul was stuck letting that day happen again time after time? Would really be satisfied in life? Would you actually be happy? They deserve to be at peace! You've lived here for over twenty years, and this is what they get in return? It's been over fifty fucking years, let them cross over!" I said, trying to keep my voice down before almost bursting into screaming.

"This isn't over David, we're gonna expose you for the piece of shit that you really are!" Jake said, holding up his camera that was recording.

We all gathered our stuff as David continued to yell at us. "You don't know me, you don't know shit about me! You think that you can just come to my house when I was nice enough to let you come here in the first place? Go ahead and expose me, nobody would believe some emo looking hoodlums to begin with." He let out a dark laugh.

"What kind of story would it be telling the entire internet I won't let the spirits of the murders cross over? Who in their fucking right mind would believe that? It's all an act for youtube." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Dude, we have so much footage from here to prove it! What makes you think you're so fucking special? You're demented." Corey spat.

"Cry me a fucking river, pretty boy. This is my house, and I can do whatever the fuck I want. I make the rules here, but you. You don't get to come strolling into my house and make shit better, or make yourselves look like hero's because you don't like my philosophy that I have going on. You all need to get the fuck out of my house before I call the police."

"We have video proof and proof via email that we have your permission to be here. Maybe if you calmed down and used your brain, you would realize how things would backfire on your before you open your mouth!" Sam yelled out.

I was in such a trance of watching everyone argue, it wasn't until I looked around to see that the girls were gone. Where the hell could they have gone?

I reached over to Sam and tapped his arm to get his attention. "Hey man, where are the girls?" I could tell the question stopped his thoughts because his face dropped as soon as he realized that they were in fact gone.

"Where are the girls?" I shouted out, pointing my finger at David's chest. "I swear to god if you did anything to them, you're a dead man!"

I ran up the stairs to look around the house, all of the guys slowly following behind me.

"You kids better not come back to this house, or you'll be in some serious trouble! I promise you that you don't want to find out about it!" David yelled out, but at this point his voice was becoming quieter as we got father from the basement.

The Adventure of My Dreams {Colby Brock}Where stories live. Discover now