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Sophia's POV:

A twenty minute drive ended up turning into fourty-five minutes, being I went in the opposite direction to get food, plus at anytime of the day traffic on the West Coast always seemed to be terrible.

"Bitch; I know you're lying! There's no way in hell we're actually staying here." Angelina yelled out. "First, it's not that expensive, and two, it's a little thing called money that was in savings for my almost wedding."

"Oh alright, makes sense. I take it back."

Sophia pulled the car up front by the doors, putting it in park. "I'm going to check in real quick, do you want to start unloading?" She nodded her head.

I walked through the doors and was quickly taken back by the beauty of this hotel. It was on the main strip of Vegas and was truly a sight to see. Even standing in it, I had a hard time believing that we were even staying in a place of this nature.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" The man behind the desk asked. He looked tone in his mid 20's, my eyes glancing at his name tag that read Evan.

"Hello there, Evan. I'm here to check into my room." I said, a soft smile forming on my lips.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but check in isn't until 4, and it's only 10:30." He said in response.

"Oh no, my room was booked for me to check in yesterday, my flight got delayed so I'm late to check in. I called and spoke to the manager about it."

His eyes lit up as if he knew what I was talking about. "Sophia? My boss informed me about that this morning, my apologies. I'll just need to see your ID or drivers license, and your debit card to charge you for the room." I nodded and opened my purse to take my small wallet out, handing over my drivers license and my debit card.

"Sophia Emerson.." he said, typing away at his keyboard. After putting in all of the necessary information; to my own assumption, he handed it back. He then took the debit card and swiped it, charging me for the room. He handed that back and I slipped them back into my wallet and put that back into my purse. He printed out a paper and wrote an "X" next to a line that needed my signature.

"If you would just sign right here," he said, resting the paper and a pen on the counter. "This is our copy, then I'll give you your own, Miss. Emerson."

My eyebrows furrowed as I saw the total on the paper was different from the amount on my email. "I'm sorry Evan, but is the amount on here correct?" I asked. The price was lower, not that I'm complaining.

"My boss decided to only charge you for one night, since you had issues with your flight. He believes that it's only right to charge a person for what they use."

"Wow, that's really nice of him." I said, shocked that they would even be so nice to do such a thing.

Signing the paper, I handed that and the pen back over to him, and he gave me my copy, which I folded up and shoved into my purse. He held up a small envelope, which contained two room keys.

"These are for you. Your room number is on there, along with the phone number for room service, and the wifi password. You're all set Miss. Emerson, please enjoy your stay." He said, a smile forming on his peachy lips.

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