Sixty Seven

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After dinner me and Colby sat on FaceTime with Zak so we could have everything prepared for Monday when we met up with them to investigate the Cecil.

I couldn't lie, I was pretty giddy about the fact that we were going to do something so notorious that nobody else currently has the chance to do. Let alone do it with someone I grew up admiring in the paranormal field.

Me and Angelina would rightfully be swooning this entire time.

It was 11:30 pm and we were getting ready to head to bed since we had to leave for the airport in the morning to grab Angelina, when my phone rang.

"Babe, someone named Debbie is calling." My head jolted up as I got up from the bed and grabbed my phone from the couch.

"I'm gonna take this outside, I'm not sure what it could be." I said and opened the patio door and stepped outside, closing it behind me.

In this time zone it would seem a little late to be calling, but she is two hours behind in Denver. Fingers crossed that she was calling with some sort of good news.

"Hi Debbie, how is it going?" I asked, chewing on my bottom lip out of my own nervousness.

"Pretty good actually. Everyone showed up today, plus a few more. It turns out people have had their eye on this house for quite some time." She said.

"Did anyone put offers in?" I asked.

"Three people did. One couple out an offer in for the amount we were asking, someone put in for five thousand over what we were asking. But the last one... really jumped out."

"Why? What happened?" I asked, furrowing my brows. I had no idea what she was getting to.

"Someone must really love this house, because they sent an offer in of a hundred thousand dollars more. I'm talking about they were more than ready to take this place in the middle of the open house." Debbie said.

"Okay... wow. I wasn't honestly expecting anything of the sorts like that." I said with a nervous chuckle. "So now what? Is this the offer we go with?"

"We can. If that's what you want. We can see if these people are really interested and see what goes down once they find out that we accepted the offer."

"I'm down. Let's take the risk and see what happens. I found a gorgeous home down here, so the sooner, the better. I have something big going on this week, but I can be back there by next Tuesday." I said, not even noticing that I was pacing back and forth on the patio.

"We'll get it all worked out, don't you worry. This might be the fastest I've ever sold a house, we'll see though." She said with a laugh. "I'll call you when I find out more, alright?"

I nodded my head. "Thank you for everything Debbie. I'll talk to you later. Buh-bye!" I sing-sang and hung up the phone.

I kind of just sat there for a minute.

It felt like a whirlwind. My house was going to sell. I was getting more than I asked for... way more. I'm going to be able to get my dream home. I'm going to be able to further my relationship with Colby. Life was finally going... right.

I got up from the chair and opened the patio, stepping back inside of the room and closing the door behind me.

"Is everything okay?" Colby asked, and I nodded my head. "Oh yeah! Just a high school friend calling about getting engaged. It was sweet."

I set my phone on the nightstand. "I'm gonna grab a snack, do you want anything?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Surprise me."

"I'll be back." I turned on the heels of my feet and made my way downstairs, but stopped at Sam's room and knocked on the door.

I rocked on my feet for a second before the door swung open, and there stood Kat.

"Hey! Can I come in real quick? I got some food news and Colby can't hear about it." She nodded and stepped aside so I could get in the room and closed the door behind me.

"So what's up?" Sam asked, turning his chair around to face me.

"I just got a call from the realtor. Three people made an offer on the house today, and we accepted one of them."

"Really? That's great!" Sam said.

"Here's the kicker though. They offered one hundred thousand more than what we were asking for." I said with a grin.

"Holy shit, Soph!" Kat exclaimed.

"Holy shit is right." Sam said with a laugh. "They must really want the place, huh?"

"That's perfectly fine with me. I'm just one step closer to living down here for good." I couldn't hide the smile on my face, I never had something so exciting happen like this.

"I'm telling you, once you surprise Colby his jaw is going to be stuck to the floor." Sam said, and Kat nodded in agreement.

"Without a doubt. But it's so cute. We love to see you guys so happy!" She said, pouting her lip and resting her hands on her heart. "I just love love."

"You and me both girl." I said with a laugh. "I should get going though, I told him I was grabbing snacks and he probably thinks I got lost at this point. I'll see you guys in the morning!"

"Goodnight!" They said in unison as I left the room.

I walked down the hall to the kitchen and grabbed myself a white claw and a bag of popcorn from the cabinet and set it in the microwave and started the time for two minutes.

I leaned my back against the counter watching the bag spin in circles and pop here and there as the snack truly came to its rightful form. Once it was done I took it out and opened it up, shaking some salt on it and started to make my way out of the room.

That was until I realized if I showed up to the room drinking a white claw, he was indeed going to want his own. So I backtracked to grab him one, and finally made my way back to the bedroom.

"Popcorn, my favorite." He said with a smile as I closed the door. Once I sat down in bed I set the bag in the middle of us and handed him his drink.

"White claws? Don't we have to.. yanno, get up in the morning?" He said with a chuckle.

"One isn't going to kill us babe, just enjoy it." I said and kissed him on his cheek.

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