Forty Five

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After my bath and getting dressed I made my way down to the kitchen to get dinner ready. One of my favorite recipes I was taught to make by my "mother" was a pot roast.

I got the oven set to the proper temperature and took a decent sized pot and placed the meat in, seasoned it, and added potatoes and carrots that I diced up. It was going to be a perfect dinner for a winter night.

As I went to exit the kitchen my phone started to ring, it was a FaceTime call from Kat.

"Hey Kat, what's up?" I asked as she twirled her hair around her finger. "Me and Sam are about to go into the first apartment you sent us, do you have the time?"

"Yeah! I just got done putting dinner in the oven." I replied as I plopped onto my couch.

She flipped the camera as Sam punched in the key code to look at the house. Once inside they were met with a sign in sheet. He signed that then they began to walk around the house.

First was the living room, kitchen, den, dining room. Then he went upstairs to the two bedrooms. The guest room had a small bathroom attached to it, and the master did as well. But they weren't as impressing as it was shown in the listing, same with the view.

"Ugh, this barely looks like what the listing was!" I said with a huff. "Yeah, this doesn't even seem like the same place at all." Sam said.

"Don't let this discourage you though! It can be tough to initially get a place in LA. It's pretty common for this to happen. When my family and I moved out here from Canada, it took ages to find a place we all truly liked. So don't let this get you down, we still have time!" Kat said with her signature perky tone.

"You're right, maybe the places next week will be better though. Thank you guys so much for helping, I owe you when I finally get out there!" Sam shook his head. "You don't need to worry about it, we're always  here to help."

"One last thing before we go.. do you mind posting a cover on your channel for me?" Kat asked. "Sure, why not. It's been a while since I did one. Which song?"

"Gone! It's one of my favorites and from our karaoke we did I think you would kill it! Plus it'll give Colby's fangirls something to talk about." She said with a wink.

"Of course I can! Angelina is coming over tonight and we're going to do a vlog about the video Sam and Colby posted. I promised it while responding to comments on there." I said with a laugh.

"That's cool! Use the extra attention for your benefit. You being in Colby's life but not really aware of it, it would be a good way for people to get to know you when they're too quick to judge." He said.

"That and... it's always the ones that hate the most that are always your first viewers. Trust me, if you keep an eye on it you'll notice it really quick." Kat added.

"Noted. Thanks again guys, I'll talk to you later!" I said before hanging up the phone.

After a few hours I changed into a pair of leggings, an oversized red sweater that left one shoulder exposed, and put on a pair of comfy slippers.

I didn't really bother with makeup but I did put on some mascara and a tinted lip balm for a little color. I knew their eyes would be drawn to the bruise but I was never talented enough in makeup to hide those kind of things. So instead of caking up my face, I decided to embrace it.

The food was just about to be done and thankfully because they were showing up a few minutes early.

A knock came from the front door and I felt my heart speed up in my chest a little as I knew they were here. Not that I was nervous, but I lowkey was.

I opened the door and smiled at Angelina and Ryan who stood on the opposite side. "Come on in." I said and they came inside and made their way to the kitchen.

I closed the door and followed behind them, putting on oven mitt's and pulling the roast out of the oven and setting it on the stove top.

"So, how have you guys been?" I asked, grabbing two forks to shreds the meat while it was still hot. Then I grabbed two hot plates and set them on the table and brought the hot pan over to the table that was set and ready. Alongside was a bottle of white wine and three glasses.

"We've been doing pretty good. We actually finally sat down and decided to start trying to start a family." Angelina said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked up and caught a glimpse at me and her facial expression because shocked. "Wait, Soph what happened to you?"

"Can we ignore me for one second and focus on what you just told me!" I insisted, scooping myself some of the roast, carrots, and potatoes onto a plate.

"Well, yeah. We finally decided after eight years together that it was time to start trying." She said. Ryan sat up and popped open the wine and poured some into each glass.

"This will probably be my last glass for a while, so we have a better chance of getting on the proper schedule as my doctor insisted it would help."

"Cheers to starting a family." I said and we raised out glasses up before taking a sip of the wine.

"So tell us what happened here." Ryan questioned, pointing at the spot under my eye.

"I went to my parents house for Thanksgiving since Colby couldn't make it down here." I sighed and poked my fork at my food. "They love Evan, it's obvious. He was almost a main topic of discussion, let alone my dad invited him and his fiancé to the dinner without telling me. Anyways, I tried telling them that I was having a realtor come to check the place and get it listed, and my dad didn't like that. There was some yelling.. then he hit me. I pushed him and threw his beer in his face and ran out."

"Soph, I'm so sorry. I wish I could say I thought he would honestly change." Angelina said.

"He's miserable. I get it. But he wasted my moms life making her wait on him hand and foot, and my siblings be dumb enough to follow in her footsteps. But what's it matter? The truth came out. I found out that I was adopted, so I'm dropping each and everyone of them from my life."

I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite of my food. "I'm better off. I have the realtor coming on Monday so the house can finally get listed."

"This is really it then, huh?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah.." I said with a soft smile. "Angelina was right. I needed to really think all of this through and after almost a month I've got my head on straight. LA is meant to be my home, and my heart belongs there as well." I chewed at my lip, trying to fight back the smile. "I truly can't remember the last time I felt like this about someone. Colby is just so special, and I can't wait to be reunited with him again."

I took a sip of my wine and looked over at Angelina. "Speaking of, did you watch the video the guys posted?" She nodded. "Yes, when you text me I did. It was a little hard to watch us stuck in the basement and actually see it from both sides. But watching you do that seance was crazy!"

"I haven't finished it. I got to the part where we were going to start the investigation and stopped. It's been a lot to think about, but I wouldn't have believed anyone if they said we were going to go through something like that."

"You guys really did have a crazy trip, but I'm glad you enjoyed your time. I'm also really happy to see you happy again." Ryan said.

"Thank you, it really does mean a lot. I'm sorry Ang for how I acted and left you, I was just so overwhelmed and really didn't know what to do."

"You don't need to apologize." She said as she shook her head. "I pushed you too much, and on a topic like this I should've given you some space. You should never apologize for your feelings, ever."

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