tsukiyamakage x hinata → FLUFF

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hinata shōyō x yamaguchi tadashi x kageyama tobio x tsukishima kei

requested by: emailsecret

thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoy this one shot i created, just for you!

if this seems like a copy of someone else's work, i promise it's not. i intend to not copy off of others and i hope it doesn't seem that way


「 3rd pov 」

"mm...it's been a couple hours since they've talked to me...i don't mind! it's only a few hours! they're most likely just busy! it is afternoon after all."

is what he told himself. for the entire day.

he fell asleep cold, usually his boyfriends would come and cuddle each other all together but they all were in separate beds or cuddling someone else.

'it's fine! they'll be fine by tomorrow! probably just a bad day..' he told himself before heading off to bed.

then morning came...

hinata woke up earlier than expected, waking up to silence in their shared apartment. the rest of the boys were sleeping.

as cheerfully as he could, he stood up from the comfort of his bed to go to the kitchen and make breakfast.

opening the fridge he noticed that they were running out of food, hardly any eggs (definitely not enough for all of them), not enough cheese, milk, bread, and strawberries.

he rubbed the last bit of sleep out of his eyes and walked back to his room to quickly change into something cute, knowing it would make his boyfriends happy he wore this outfit. not something too revealing, which is what they liked when they weren't with him (didn't want too many people on their boyfriend!).

he wore simple loose ripped jeans with a tight black long sleeve underneath a a yellow, blue, and white stripped baggy t shirt. his boyfriends would definitely approve!

he scribbled down a quick note before slowly stopping his movements, in between writing the 'love' word in the note. without realizing it, his eyes filled with tears, a few droplets landing on the bright green sticky note he was writing on.

he quickly wiped his tears and finished writing the note, grabbing his wallet and keys before heading out the door like he had originally planned without an issue, heading for the shops.

before he left though...he could've sworn he heard a clapping sound. (THIS IS FLUFF YALL NOT LIKE THAT.)


he sighed as he walked back into the house with his hands filled with a few grocery bags, who knew shopping could be so tiring? he never wants to go shopping alone again. too much work.

he tiredly set the bags down on the counter, rubbing his sleepy eyes and then slowly putting the new groceries away.

he looked around and noticed nothing had been touched, so he assumed that the other three haven't been awake yet. hinata trudged his way over to the couch and laid down, already falling asleep for a nap.

he could make breakfast in an hour or so...no worries..we're his parents thought before slipping into the comfort of his own dreams.


shōyō felt like he was only asleep for 3 minutes before he was awoken by a very sweet smell, most likely coming from the kitchen. but then he let it off thinking one of his boyfriends were probably hungry.

that was until he smelt smoke. he quickly shot up, his eyes still bleary and droopy from being tired and in the middle of sleep. running to the kitchen where he saw two males staring at the burnt looking pan and the tallest one looking in disappointment.

"what...is going on..?" hinata asked softly, rubbing his eyes and forehead now that he knew the house wasn't in literal danger.

"uh well we...we-we wanted to...um..." kageyama started, trailing off at the end looking down at the ground.

tsukishima sighed and patted kageyamas head, "we felt bad about yesterday, we should've at least told you about what was going on yesterday instead of just leaving you...and we wanted to make it up to you by....."

tsukishima was doing so well with explaining and helping kageyamas sentence get out before he himself got all flustered. yamaguchi quickly took the lead.

"wewantedtomakebreakfastforyou!" he squeaked out. despite it being fast, hinata heard very clear.

it took a few seconds for hinata to process what they all said, but once it went through his head tears immediately started flooding down his cheeks.

"it-it was onl-ly a day-" he said through his muffled sobs behind his hand, not much context in his words but his boyfriends knew exactly what he was getting at.

kageyama was the first one to come over to him, the two being the closest due to how equally dumb they are and causing the most chaos throughout their relationship (which led them to understand each other the best).

soft shushes came from tobios mouth, rocking them back and forth and hugging hinata to no end.

tsukishima and yamaguchi came over, keis hand petting hinatas soft fluffy hair and yamaguchi hugging him from behind.

it felt perfect, so comfortable and warm. shōyō never wanted to leave this perfect feeling.


thank you for requesting! i hope this came out how you wanted it to. any questions or concerns? message me about it so i can fix my writing :)

small note: sorry for the delay i've been both procrastinating and busy at the same time. doesn't make sense but that's what it is i promise-

it's finally getting a little warmer where i live but what sucks abt that is that i have to actually go outside and spend more time outside during sports instead of indoor practices bleh

working on a few bangs! super excited to show you guys me and my groups (when we get into the groups) work that's for all of you! we'll be working hard :)

og plot: they accidentally leave hinata out of what they're doing so hinata just sits in his room alone hugging a pillow crying a little but keeps telling himself they're just busy and he gets a little distanced when it's been like 1 day n a half and then they realize and they're like "omgomg shit uh sorry we ly" and they just hug him while he cries a little :(

1064 words total

- author chan

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