Hedgehog and Wolf of the "Hound" Table

Start from the beginning


Sonic and Brody thwarted various attempts of Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder trying to get in the castle and get the Chaos Emerald when Robotnik had enough "You won't ve cheering once you get a taste of my secret weapon!" Robotnik said as Scratch and Grounder bring the captive Merlynx "Merlynx?!" Arfur asks "Some secret weapon!" Sonic said "What's he gonna do? Pull us out of his hat?" Brody asks "All right magician! Cast your spell, and don't misspell it!" Robotnik said "Rotten cheese and smelly sock, uh, turn hedgehog and wolf feey into, uh, solid rock!" Merlynx said zapping Brody and Sonic who gasps as their atomic boots turn into stone sneakers "Aha!" Robotnik said as Sonic and Brody grunt and struggle to move foward "Oh no!" Sonic said as Tails gasps and Brody looks worried.

Sonic and Brody thwarted various attempts of Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder trying to get in the castle and get the Chaos Emerald when Robotnik had enough "You won't ve cheering once you get a taste of my secret weapon!" Robotnik said as Scratch a...

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"We are....slow-mos!" Brody said and they krep struggling "Oh! It's no use! We can barely walk with these things!" Sonic said and Tails tried to help them pull it off but Robotnik conformed they weren't removable and Robotnik goes inside and takes the crown and thunder booms as the emerald takes event on Robotnik making him muscular "Now I am invincible! As King, my first royal decree shall be to place Sonic, Brody and their furry accomplice i the castle dungeon!" Robotnik said.

The trio got put in the dungeon and Gwendolyn came to give them food but it was actually a cover up as she sneaked nail files on the chili dogs and thetrio use them to escape, while Robotnik enjoys and tests his invincibility "Before I go back in time to get the next Chaos Emerald" Robotnik said as he skips down the stairs "I think I'll humiliate Sonic and Brody before the entire kingdom! I can't wait to see the look on that Hedgehog and Wolf's faces when I tell them..." he said reaching the dungeon and sees no one's there "They're gone!" Robotnik said "I don't think you have to tell them they're gone, your slowness, I think they know! Bwahaha!" Scratch said "Find that hedgehog and wolf or you'll find your heads in my trash compactor!" Robotnik said.


Sonic and Brody are struggling to walk across the forest with Sonic infront, Brody in the middle and Tails behind them as Sonic and Brody pants heavily "I dont know how much longer we can go on like this!" Brody said "You've gotta guys! Merlynx's place is just ahead!" Tails said pushing Brody from behind who pushes Sonic.

Sonic and Brody are struggling to walk across the forest with Sonic infront, Brody in the middle and Tails behind them as Sonic and Brody pants heavily "I dont know how much longer we can go on like this!" Brody said "You've gotta guys! Merlynx's ...

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After evading Scratch and Grounder the trio reached Merlynx's lair and convinced him to undo the spell on Sonic and Brody's shoes and once he does the trio make their way back to the castle.

Sonic and Brody left a note on Robotnik's door and he picked it up "Robotnik the invinsible ball of Flab is hereby challenged to a joust by the defenders of freedom, the Holy Hedgehog and the Holy Wolf. Holy Hedgehog and Holy Wolf?! Why, those no good...if Sonic and Brody think they can defeat me, they're in for a bih suprise!" Robotnik said.

*Later Artfur's courtyard*

Naturally Robotnik had advantage over the duo due to the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility but with the help of Tails, Sonic and Brody distract Robotnik allowing Tails to take the emerald in Robotnik's knight helmet "Looking for this?" Tails asks "In the name of his bloatedness, King Robotnik, I demand you give me that Cjaos Emerald!" Scratch said "Sure I'll give it to you!" Tails said and uses the emerald to turn muscular "Not!" Tails said beating up Scratch and Grounder to pieces as Sonic and Brody run into Robotnik knocking him into the moat, an alligator pops up from behind him and growls and chases Robotnik who screams.

*Later inside the castle*

Sonic and Brody kneel before Arfur "For yor courage and heroism, I hereby knight you two" Arfur said knighting Sonic and Brody with a sword "Henceforth, you shall be known as Sir Sonic and Sir Brody the Speedy duo!" He said  "We are glad to see you're pretty bold yourself, King arfur!" Sonic said as Arfur is holding the emerald "Don't tell a soul!" Arfur said.

*Later outside*

Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder are all back in their time machine and locked in a stock "This is all your fault, you humbling numbbotskulls!" Robotnik said "Have a nice trip fellas!" Sonic said as Brody pulls the lever foward "You two sending us home?" Robotnik asks "Nah! We are just sending you on a long vacation!" Brody said as the timemachine disappears "Boy, are they in for a suprise!" Tails said and Brody grabs his hand "Hang on, Tails!" Brody said "Brody and I are making the jump to light speed!" Sonic said "Up, over and gone!" Sonic and Brody said running into the time warp.

*Meanwhile in a Roman colosseum*

The time machine appeared in a Roman colosseum "Looks like we're at some kind of ancient major sporting event!" Scratch said "Hey, maybe that hedgehog and that wolf like us after all!  Grounder said as the gates open anf a hungry lion crawls out "Uh, then again, m-m-m-maybe not!" Grounder said and the lion roars pouncing on Robotnik "I hate that hedgehog and that wolf!" Robotnik said as the lion chases them as this chapter comes to an end.

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