Chapter thirty

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"Don't worry Mr and Mrs Kim, Braxton hicks contractions are very normal at this point in pregnancy but it was a good idea for you to come in just to be on the safe side."

I convince the anxious new mom to be. She nodded, twiddling with her thumbs and stood up with her husband when I also stood up to be ready to say goodbye.

"Well thank you doctor. I'm sure we'll see you again very soon." Mr Kim

I chuckled and opened the door as he took his wife's hand to guide the quiet woman out the room.

"That you will. It was great seeing you both again. One of the nurses will make an appointment for you to see me next week."

"Thank you doctor." Mrs Kim

I nodded and kindly smiled at her, watching them walk out my office so I could close the door. Now I just have to finish with my note for Mrs Kim and then go to lunch for an hour. It's been a busy day yet I somehow managed to get an hour free unless something else comes up during that time. Now to sit in front of my desk I pulled up Mrs Kim's medical information, making notes of her Braxton hicks contractions, how frequently she gets them and for how long she has had them for. Also noting how far along in her pregnancy she is and along with other examinations I made during this appointment.

While I was typing away I heard a knock on the door but too busy with what I was doing I just responded for them to enter not really thinking on who it could be until I heard his voice as he entered my office but kept the door open after he came inside my office.

"Hey Y/n?"

I stopped what I was doing, almost done anyway and almost gasped to see him in my office.

"Ben? Hi. Whats up?"

I felt awkward to be honest but I tried not to let that be obvious. Ben smiled at me and placed his hands in the pockets of his white coat which made me notice that silver pen in his upper pocket that I know is his secret weapon to kill dragons.

"I was wondering if you had any plans for lunch? I'm free for the next half hour so I thought maybe if you were free too we can go to the cafeteria or something?" Ben

My eyes lit up in my surprised and I slumped back in my chair, dropping my hands to my lap.

"Oh, er..I already have plans. I'm sorry."

I gave him a sad look, just to see him frown but raise a brow as if he didn't believe me even if it were a lie. I don't have plans but I promised the boys I would stay away from him and not get too close. Only to act professional around him because we still work together at the end of the day.

"Really? What's your plans?" Ben

My mind went blank for a minute, I didn't know what to say and I'm not very good with the making up lies on the spot type of thing. My voice was caught in my throat, not knowing what to say until a voice suddenly saved me. It came from the door of my office just behind Ben.

"She has plans with us."

Ben quickly turned around and stepped to the side slightly so I could see Hoseok and Jin both standing there in the door way, Jin slightly standing behind Hoseok but both there and both equally not looking happy to see Ben but what else is new?

"She does? What you guys doing?" Ben

I frowned to all these questions. Why so interested all of a sudden?

Yes we went on one date but we also agreed to stay friends or at least on good terms as work colleague's but I don't think requesting to know everything I'm doing is part of that deal.

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