Chapter seven

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The shift was long and slow today, I delivered at least five babies today and then had several other appointments today if they didn't affect when I was busy with the patients that were in labour. I did what I could and hell did it keep me busy. I did however see Taehyung a few times but we couldn't speak long because he was busy himself too and there just wasn't time.

All I wanted to do was get back home and sleep unless I get buzzed in again but I shouldn't since Dr Yang is on the list to be beeped in first if something comes up. I would only be beeped in if something goes seriously wrong and more hands are needed which is not often that happens, it barely happens and there's a lot of nurses on shift tonight also. So now I just get to go home and chill, maybe even have a bath, that would be nice. A long hot bath, a bubble bath.

I walk to my car, pulling my keys out my bag as I do so. My car is on the far side of the car park which I purposely parked there because since I've been working here I've constantly seen the colours of the dragons that I miss so much, in amongst the trees. I even hear their voices which weirds me out and even more so when it's around the seven male doctors that all have offices on the same floor as I do and see every single day at work. It cant be pure coincidence, it cant be.

Like today for example. I seen Taehyung but it was weird how I heard greens voice speaking of how beautiful something is before I turned around and collided into Taehyung's chest. Another was two days ago when I heard Blues voice cursing at something that apparently made him angry just to see Jimin cursing out loud storming down the corridor leaving yet again Sun-hees office.

I swear I'm losing my mind.

So that brings me to watching the woods close by in case I see just a flash of any colour because if I do I will be chasing after it to confront those dragons as to why they're hiding from me. If the see me they should just come out and talk to me or at least signal for me to come to the woods to talk. They don't speak to me directly but it's more like they forgot when I'm near by I can hear what they're saying.

I unlocked my car opening the car door and first throwing my bag inside not having a care where it landed and then I untied my hair and shook it out ruffling my hair loose as I do so. Going on couldn't come soon enough. I step inside my car to sit behind the wheel but froze when something red flashed passed between the trees a little further in. This is why I purposely parked my car so the front window could be pointed to the woods being able to see inside just by sitting here.

That must of been red, so without a second thought I jumped out the car so fast I almost fell over my own feet and slammed my door shut and bolted it into the trees running to where I last seen the colour red run past. If anything judging by the shape I would of said it was his tail.

I came to a stop looking left and then right trying to see if I could see him in anyway but I couldn't so I ran to the left in the direction to where I had seen him run to. He had to be in here unless he flew off somewhere already but I doubt that, I had a feeling he was here somewhere.

"Red I know you're here."

I stated knowing if he was close he would hear me. I received no response but that didn't mean I felt any different if he was here or not. I know he is. I couldn't describe what I was feeling to say how I knew but I did. Frantically looking around the surrounding wooded area I tired to calm my heavy breathing from running so fast. I really should exercise more often.


Still no response and the memories of how I first met them came to mind when my brother did in fact ditch me on that day to go home and I was in the woods looking for him before I found the dragons well more like they found me.

I groaned in frustration.


I shouted into the woods so loud that it echoes a little bit in the dark woods with only the lights front the hospital building shining through the gaps of the trees.

"Damn it." Red

I heard him hiss, is he truly trying to hide from me?

"Great job you gave away that we were here!"

That was yellow! He's here too?!

"Shut up! We have to move!" Red

They're going to run from me?? Really?

After all these years they're going to run off just like that?

I heard shuffling in the trees above me with a few leaves falling from above as the trees start to move. I looked up above me and seen Yellow hanging onto a tree but his orange eyes widen when he see that I seen him. For the first time in years I'm seeing at least one of them in person and I felt nothing but happiness but sadness since it seems like he didn't want me to see him, was he angry at me?

Were they all angry at me?

"Yellow!!! Why are you both running from me?? Don't leave!!"

I shouted at him but he only blinks at me with sadness in his eyes, but yet soft for a dragons harden eyes. I missed those eyes. There was a loud thud that shook the floor beneath my feet and I tore my sights from Yellow to look directly a head of me.

"Ouch!" Red

Still as clumsy as ever I seen Red lying on his side on the floor not far from where I stood. He was lying on his side with both wings extended up the way and he was shaking his rather large head but was facing away from me so his back and wings shielded me from his view.

"Red!! Are you okay?!"

I ran to him and he looked over his shoulder with widen eyes and jumped up on his four feet shaking his body knocking more leaves and branches off with his large still extended wings. I stopped in my tracks when he gives me the same sadden look Yellow gave me which confuses me.

"Are you all angry with me? Where is everyone?"

I still held eye contact with his orange eyes before he looked away to the floor but then back up at Yellow in the trees when he spoke.

"We have to go! Come on!" Yellow

"No, no you don't! Stay and talk to me, its been ten years!"

I shouted at him above me and was shocked by how rough I spoke to him. I was starting to get angry if they had a problem with me then why cant they tell me and I would try to make it up to them.

"We can't." Red

I heard him say and just like that extended his wings further spreading them apart and pushing himself into the air flapping his wings as he began to float into the air with all the leaves rushing around him and myself watching him try and fly away and he did. I watched him fly into the air and above the trees and into the sky. That when I looked at Yellow who gave me one last look before he too jumped off the tree he was on and flew away but I ran after them in the direction they were flying to. Maybe I can find the others in here too, I've seen their colours in these woods so they would have to be in here too right?

I ran after them and kept running with Yellow on my sights and a few times I would see him looking down at me but yet he doesn't try to stop me from following me, I ran after them as fast as I could trying to keep up so I don't lose sight of them. I don't want to lose them again when I just found them again after ten years. I cant and I wont.

I felt like my lungs were going to give out but not once did I want to give in, I have no idea where I was going but I'm stubborn and that's the last of my worries right now, I don't care if I get lost.

"I'm sorry Y/n."

I heard Blacks voice before just like the colours of his scales my vision came into darkness as black as he was after I felt something swipe underneath my feet forcing me to fall forward and bash my head off something very hard.

Why didn't they want me to see them?

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