Chapter three

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(Present time.)

It's taken me ten years to finally get to where I wanted to be. My dream job as an OB/GYN.

I topped all my course throughout university and gained the best references from the best in their field and now I've finally been accepted into THE best medical team throughout the country. They travel a lot whenever they're needed. The pick who they think deserved the best for their care. It could someone who hasn't got the money to pay but they'll do it anyway. They're the kind of people I've looked up to for the past eight years since they've become known and the very same hospital they're stationed at, have accepted me to join them.

I'm not only proud of myself but my family are more than honoured with my success and I'm just thrilled to start off my first day. I could barely keep in my excitement and stay professional as the hospital director was showing me around until he came to the floor with all the offices for each doctor.

I was just seconds away from seeing one out of two of my forever offices. He handed me two sets of keys to the offices and left me to roam around first office at my own free will and if I was to decorate myself I don't need permission to do so.

My second office would be for patients which is on the maternity ward a few floors below the floor I'm on now but I have all day to check it out and tomorrow I'll be able to start taking in patients.

I waited until he left down the hall before I put the key in the door with shaky hands out of excitement. I took a breath and twisted the key to then push open the door.

 I took a breath and twisted the key to then push open the door

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It was simply but I loved it. I immediately skipped over to the chair behind the desk and took a seat laughing to myself finally releasing my happiness out loud.

After I practically squealed in my office, I calmed down and took the moment to think about the seven dragons that I miss. I think about them all the time, especially when I succeed in something, they're the ones that I want to tell the most. But I haven't seen them since the day I told them I was going to university.

Of course I went back and tried to find them but nothing. I was determined to find them in those woods behind my house at the time but after two years of trying every time I came back on a holiday, I gave up. They were gone.

I don't know where they went but I missed them terribly and never spoke to a soul about them to anyone. Not even my family, they would just think I was nuts since they're mythical creatures. Who would believe that?

I chuckle to myself in my seat thinking about all the funny times I had with them. I was so deep in thought I didn't realise there was three women at my door wearing white Doctor coats.

They were all very beautiful women. One had short black hair with glasses and a slim fitted face. Another had long brown hair and was quite tall compared to the other two women. The third woman had mid length blonde hair. She was small, maybe just as small as me, which would be a good thing. I always thought I needed to find a friend that's as small as I am.

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