Chapter twenty-two

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Now back to work I've managed to dodge all seven of those doctors in particular. There's been a few attempts on their side to try and talk to me but I'm not ready to hear what they have to say just yet. I know they have something to say but I'm not ready to hear it. I just don't want to think about it anymore and I even shut down Lisa and Eunha when they try to talk to me about this whole situation but I can't.

I just want to focus on my day at work and think about how it's date night for Ben and I. I'm looking forward to it actually and I have so many questions for him about how he knows about dragons and a whole bunch of things. It'll be so nice to finally talk to someone about dragons and not look at me like I'm insane like Namjoon tried to make it sound like before finally admitting what he was.

Ben is actually a really nice guy and we're just going out for something to eat, just something simple really nothing over the top it's just a little date.

I've actually been thinking about this all day even if I haven't had the chance to see Ben at all today at work but I know he's in because I asked one of the nurses who confirmed that he's in.

I'm currently sitting in my office for my lunch instead of the canteen because it's guaranteed that I'll see one of them there and I don't want to just now but with the loud abrupt yet very urgent knock on my door made me lose my train of thought. I cleared my throat after placing my coffee down on my desk.

"Come in."

The door opened immediately and I groaned to myself to see who just walked into my office. I didn't want to talk to him or any of them right now.

"Y/n can we please talk?"

"Namjoon I'm not in the mood to talk to any of you yet so please just give me my space."

I sighed lightly shaking my head in almost defeat but he only stares back at me with pleading eyes and closes my door just to quickly come over to stand directly in front of my desk.

"Please! Y/n we need to talk about this. Just give me a chance to explain." Namjoon

"What is there to explain? That you all had relations with Sun-hee before I came around to this hospital? Yeah I get that but it would hurt less if you all did this when you didn't know I existed until I came here so what could you possibly say that would make me feel any better in this?"

I asked him, glaring up at him who only nibbles his bottom lip and looks away to the side of the room.

"Exactly. There's nothing so please leave. I'd like to have my lunch in piece."

I picked up my coffee yet again to take a drink but again Namjoons careful eyes were on me, watching my every move through his rounded framed glasses.

"I heard you're going on a date with Ben?" Namjoon

I almost choked on my coffee, my eyes widen in size and I coughed slightly, patting my chest and placing my cup back down on the desk as he stares me down with a blank expression.

"H-How did you know?"

"I over heard him speaking to someone in the canteen and I came here to ask you if that was true. Is it?" Namjoon

He raised a brow and tilts his head back slightly raising his chin as he does so but his eyes never leaving mine as I sit in this chair before him.

"It is true. We're going out tonight actually."

I confirmed with a small smile on my face as a reminder but when his two fists met my solid wooden desk in front of me creating a loud thud which startled me, that smile went out the window. Namjoons bright orange eyes bore into mine, putting me in some sort of trance to stay completely still.

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