Chapter twelve

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Yesterday was a mess. It was too close, that Y/n could of gotten hurt.

I don't blame Jin at all for it. I knew of his plans to talk to her and take her somewhere to show her that we don't hate her, that things are complicated and by what jin told me she took it very well. That led to the flying in the sky. Y/n always loved doing that, when one of us would take her on our backs and fly into the sky no matter day or night, she loved it either way.

A smile spreads to my lips just thinking about her. To the time when she was a teenager and laughing and smiling while the wind blew through her  hair. She's too precious and she doesn't even realise it.

There was a knock on my door suddenly and I told who ever it was to come in and they did by opening the door to reveal Lisa popping her head through the gap first with all smiles.

"Hey are you busy?" Lisa

I shook my head and neatly piled my files, that were filled with information for my patients that I was due to see this afternoon.

"No not at all."

I stated and she skipped her way inside my personal office and closes the door behind her.

"Y/n is busy working with Taehyung just now so we're safe. But I wanted to ask you about what the hell happened last night?" Lisa

Her smile was swept off her face and instead frowning at me with her hands on her hips.

"How did you find out about last night?"

I didn't tell her what happened so how did she know something happened last night?

"Hoseok just told me. So why the hell was Y/n flying around on Jins back and who the fuck were they?" Lisa

I was taken back by her curse words as Lisa, is very sweet and barely curse but this just shows how angry she is to curse like this.

"Jin was taking her flying because that's what we use to do with her many years ago when she was a teenager and left for university. She seen us a few times and we've been ignoring to keep her safe from the slayer here in the hospital so to cheer her up and put things right Jin spoke with her and took her flying to cheer her up."

"Did he show her exactly who he is or was all this talk in dragon form?" Lisa

"Dragon. We cant tell her who we are yet, it's too soon."

She hums in response and takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk and crosses her legs over the other and leans back comfortably against the chair.

"Do you know who the dragons are that tried to attack them?" Lisa

I shook my head, no but I did have a thought as to who.

"Not really but I have a hunch. I think it's the three guys from many years ago, like many many years go, long before we met Y/n. I could be wrong but I think it's them."

"What guys? Why would they still be after the seven of you after all these years? What did you do?" Lisa

She glares at me with her intimidating look and I pick up my cup of coffee that was now mild warm but I blew on it to keep it hot before taking a drink of it steaming hot the way I like it.

"We may have killed the person that their heart belonged to and they sore that if we were to ever give our hearts to anyone they would come after her."

I sheepishly took another sip of my coffee, looking around my room to avoid eye contact with her.


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