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The party is in 3 days. I was currently listening to what the king was discussing. There was nothing interesting actually. Just what they would serve for food and drinks. While they were talking I was thinking about Sunyeon. I think I hurted his feelings. He was pretty sad when I came home. He said he wanted to go to the palace alone in the afternoon. I don't know why but I decided to let him be. 

The meeting was over and honestly I didn't pay much attention. I climbed my way towards the prince's room and took a look. He wasn't in there. Confused I looked around but didn't saw him. Since I couldn't find him I decided to take a look in his room. I slowly walked in. Now I could see the drawing he was making yesterday. I couldn't see it from the window but now I saw it clear. It was a drawing of him and his friends. I smiled at the sight of their smiling faces. They are all really handsome. 

I snapped my head towards the wooden door when I heard voices. It was the prince and his friends. I quickly went towards the window and hid behind the thick, red curtains. The door opened. The seven boys walked in. I could hear everything they said. 

"Here it is. What do you think? I drew it yesterday," I heard the prince saying. He probably showed them the drawing of them. I smiled as I saw the piece of art when I closed my eyes. "It's really good," one of he boys complimented. I didn't know which one of them. "Well your imaginations are really good." I widened my eyes. How can that boy call their friendship imagination?! "No, hyung, she's real!" the young prince said and I heard him smacking the other boy. 

Wait... She?!

"When did you see her? You didn't see any girls in years," one of his friends asked. Before the prince could answer, one of his friends noticed the closed curtains. "Why are your curtains closed? I want to see the drawing better. Let me open them real quick." I swore in my head and jumped to the roof underneath me. I turned around the corner so they wouldn't see me for sure. I couldn't hear them anymore.

I sighed and decided to go to the small pond in the garden. I don't want to leave yet but I can't watch them right now. I slowly passed the few rooms were some people were talking trying to not catch their attention. The kitchen was always difficult since the cooks are often doing the dishes while looking out of the window.

Finally I arrived at the pond. I sat down and watched the fish swimming in the water. I thought about why Sunyeon would be so upset and why he wanted to come alone this afternoon. I didn't want to ask him since he would think I don't trust him anymore. I guess he really doesn't like the prince. But that still doesn't answer my real question. Why does he want to come alone?

"Hey, who's that?" I heard one of the prince's friends yelling. My eyes automatically glanced at them but I better didn't do that. They might recognise my face later. I got up and ran away. I guess It's time to go home now.

Prince // J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now