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"Father, I know what I want for my birthday." My father turned faced me and arched a brow. "What is it, son?" I gulped and was thinking how I would ask him without telling what I exactly want. "I want to go to the store. Alone. Without any guards following me." The King frowned. "Why's that?"

"I want to buy something," I said. "And why do you want to go alone? It's not safe out there." I was getting nervous. I really don't want to tell my dad. "I want to buy something... private. Yeah, private. Personal." My father was confused. "You can tell the guards to not look at what you bought." I sighed and closed my eyes. My dad won't understand unless I tell him. "I want to do something with Y/n if she's up for it!" I blurted out and wanted to run out of the room but I didn't. "Oh. Well, now I know what you want I can accompany you for a bit more safety."

"I am not going to get things like that with you." My dad was confused. "Why not?" I gave him the 'Are You Serious' look. "You don't need to know what size I have!" The King shrugged. "I will get to know someday." 

"How's that?! You're not going to enter the room when me and Y/n are busy! Especially not when Y/n is not wearing anything."

"Son, you won't be able to control your hormones at all time. When I was your age your mother lived with me and my parents. Right before we went to dinner she took a shower and I so happened saw her in her towel. I had to attend dinner with that boy problem down there. My father saw it," the King explained. My mouth formed an 'o'. "But I still want to go alone," I said stubbornly. My father sighed. "Fine. But you'll go early in the morning." I nodded with a smile. "Thank you, father." I quickly left the room.


As planned I woke up earlier and took a fresh shower. I had to be quiet so I don't wake Y/n up. As I was ready I went to the closest city and tried to find the store I'm looking for. With a mask covering my face I entered the store.

After buying protection I quickly went back home. Luckily nothing happened.

Y/n was not in bed anymore so I didn't even try to hide what I bought. I walked towards my bed which was still right next to Y/n's and placed the protection in my drawer. Before closing the drawer I checked whether I had bought the right one. I did that a million times already but I still wasn't sure enough.

The bathroom door opened and Y/n walked inside the room. "Good morning!" she greeted. I quickly closed the drawer and went to hug her. "Good moring." I kissed her temple. "What were you doing?" I gulped. "Nothing. Just cleaning my drawer," I lied. Y/n didn't seem to buy it but she didn't went further about it.

Prince // J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now