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"News!" I yelled as I ran towards the gates of the small village I live in. The people formed a crowd around me. "What is it?" an old lady asked. "Tell us, Y/n," one of the men spoke. "The king decided to throw a party for the prince's birthday!" I informed.  Gasps were heard. "Minho! Go tell your sister! She has to get ready. Y/n, when's the party?" one of the mothers asked. "About a week," I said and as soon as I finished my sentence the woman yelled again. "She has to be careful with what she eats." Minho nodded and ran to his house. The others left as well.

The king never informs our village about anything. I don't even know if he's aware of this village. It's really small anyway. Everyday I go to the palace and sneak in. I listen to what the king talks about so I can inform the people in my village. I've seen the prince and he's really handsome. He's about the same age as my best friend Sunyeon. So one year older than me. He's good at everything. He has never seen me and the king doesn't know I sneak into the palace as well. 

"Y/n!" Sunyeon yelled as he ran towards me. "Hey, Sunyeon!" I greeted.

I was waiting for him on my roof. We always meet up at night on the roof. At daytime we don't have much time so we talk a bit right before we go to sleep. We'll watch the stars and talk about how our day was.

"Are you going to that party?" the boy asked while catching his breath. "I don't know. If I find a good dress maybe. Are you?" Sunyeon sighed. "I'll go if you go." He doesn't seem happy. "What's wrong? You seem a bit angry or disappointed." I placed my hand on his shoulder and made him look at me since he was avoiding eye contact. "I don't want to lose you," he confessed. "What do you mean? I will never leave you. You're my best friend. The one and only." The boy smiled a bit but wasn't fully convinced. "The prince is handsome and friendly and you are pretty and kind as well. Maybe you two become friends and then I'll lose you since you go to the palace everyday." 

"Sunyeon, you'll be my best friend forever. The prince won't even notice me. I'm a girl from a small village. My looks won't make him notice me." I gave the boy a hug. "Do you want to go to the palace with me tomorrow?" Sunyeon nodded. "Good. We have to leave as soon as the sun rises. I'll wait for you at the gate." 

"I'll be there." He smiled and left. I continued my way home. My mother was probably waiting for me. It was pretty late already so she will be worried if I don't get home soon. 

Prince // J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now