This, Is My Story: Part 19

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  • Dedicated to Navpreet Kaur

Lola and I walk into me bedroom and I choose not to comfort Rick right now. She'e narrowing her eyes at everything in sight,

"Does he not care?"

"He does!" I say reassuringly

"It doesn't look it, at all, seriously what if you get an STD or something?"

I raise a brow at her, Seriously an STD, I use condoms no matter what, I check before twice to see if there's one. I choose certain people to have sex with. I just stare at her trying not to look offended. I'm still by-far a virgin.

"There are clinics" I say reassuringly

She glares over to me with all seriousness

"Stop taking shit to a serious extent, it's not cute!"

"I'm not trying to be cute!" She responds to me.

"Ugh, whatever" I say rudely and sit down on my bubble rug, it doesn't git off the feel of bubbles more of those hot rocks at the spa but my rocks aren't hot.

I pull out our textbooks and review the questions, System of Equations substitution and some random shit, why even learn this shit, it's not like some random dude would come up to you and tell you to do an equation using this method, if he needs help go to the bank. I try to do the problems while Lola just goes through the questions like she just saw a bunch of shoes on sale. I'm the slowest like the line during black Friday. She finishes in about 10 minutes I finish in 30, onto Ela which is pretty much draft for a story which I already finished so i move onto Social Studies, I have a city project that I got on like December it's close to February like 2 days away the project is due on the first. I'm not going to plagiarize, I'll just pull over nighters. I also have a Ela project that's major due soon that I didn't work on. Oh Well I blame myself.

I get a call through OoVoO from Josh and turn it to Chat, he pretty much tells me the person who chatted with Ally wasn't him, it was another friend of his, I hate how that all have to have Joshua's or Joshuah's friends but he's just Josh so I tell him whatever and end the chat and sign off. I honestly love Skype over OoVoO any day. Skype is classy. Constant messages come up on my mac distracting me, it's mainly old friends, camp friends, ex-boyfriends, want to be boyfriends, and a few lesbians who I'm barley meet.

Shit is annoying me today   

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