This, Is My Story: Part 3

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The day ends, I walk to the bus stop so lost in thought I don't talk to the regular people I usually chat with on my way there. They must have thought I was mad at them, I find myself quite early at the bus stop which never happens and this starts up a short conversation with a girl Vytorea about boys in the school. The bus pulls up, we part.

I finally reach home and go straight to my MacBook Air, covered in photo stickers with the apple icon visible. I go on OoVoO and see all of my friends online, we 6-way chat planning until 5 o'clock. I'm left with Grace, Ally, and Fi they scheme things that I've never even heard before, most being farely illegal.

I receive a text from an unknown number: "When are we doing it?" it reads.

I ask who the person is and it's Josh, I ask him how he got my number and yet I'm not surprised with the answer I receive "Who doesn't have ur number?" instead of being offended I'm flattered. He is trying to be as direct as possible, he is determined to get what he wants but with me not having an exact plan of what to do with him yet I reply extremely last and very vaguely. I sense frustration which makes me feel frustrated. He even tried calling me but I decline every time.

I am called for diner, my absentee parents are surprisingly home as well as my siblings, sitting at the dinning room table, my mother texting away, and my father on a call. My sister and brother are ones to question considering they when are the table but left in a few minutes after trying to be present.

As I return to my bedroom I finally reply to the latest text I received from Josh, I reply with a "Good Night" no explanation, it took me 30 minutes to reply to a "What time ar you free?" with a "Good Night" I was feeling guilty for a second but then feeling later passed. I decided to not return to my friends and instead take a bath and go to sleep.

The following day, I walk into school try to collect as many friends as I could find and I finally reveal the god forsake plan on then for little Junior Josh, we will be at my uncle's summer house, there will be an introduction and recording of this basic event to which I will be fornicating with him but without his knowledge he will be walking into his own trap. As we make out and foreplay or whatever I will be moaning along questions to which I hope he will truthfully answer due to his just about to get laid state of mind.

The bell rings and we go to our classes. I spot Josh and tell him the place to go to and what time to go, he then grins constantly and tells me to bring condoms. My heart beat is in overdrive, my adrenalin is pumping and I'm ready to ruin his reputation. 

This, Is My StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora