This, Is My Story: Part 46

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I find it a little weird how we have strippers in a play now. But at least we're not in our bra's and panties only even though I have no problem with that at all, may people in this school have seen me with no shirt on. Many times during Gym when we have to swim.

Any way on with the play, Enjoy. 

-Scene 1: California loft (Daytime)

Executives crowd around Juliet, crowd scatters at the high scream of Juliet in frustracion 

Juliet: Are you serious, take that out of my face (she shoos away one last exacutive) 

Harper: You have to choose one of the outfits, darling ( she toys with her blackberry) 

Juliet: Nothing satisfies me, Harps, Nothing!

Harper: Well then think of something with the color blue and white because the deadline is in a week! You're a work at home Designer for god sakes, people would kill for your job, Jewel. 

Juliet: Well maybe even work at home Fashion Designers from California need a brake.

Juliet's Phone rings and she Answers, Lights center onto Kennith

Juliet: Kennith Darling sweetie, what's the matter?

Lights dim on Harper and lighting changes to Kennith and Juliet

Kennith: I have a wondergul place we can go, just you and me, New York city lights in a wonderful club with wonderful drunk people, It will be lovely

Juliet: It sure will be, whens the flight?

Kennith: Tonight

Lights center back on Harper as Juliet looks over to Harper she waves at her then turns back to her conversation on the phone.

Juliet: Sounds Great!

Kennith: Great, I'll be over at 8 to pick you up.

Juliet and Kennith hang up, lights dims on Kennith. The crowd circles around Juliet once again and curtains close. 

-Scene 2: Outside (Night-time)

Juliet stands alone with a duffle bag around her left shoulder. Kennith approaches her as people pass.

Kennith: Packing light 

Juliet: It's only one night right? 

Kennith: It could be more (he raises an eyebrow)  

Juliet: If I were to stay any longer than 2 day Harper would kill me instantly. 

Kennith: Sometimes you need to put your job tot he side for, time to yourself.

He grabs hold of Juliets phone and drops it on the floor

Juliet: Why'd you do that?

Kennith: You deserve this

Kennith grabs Juliets arm and they walk to the next scene

-Scene 3: Outside of the Strip Club

Juliet: It's a strip club

Kennith: No, No, not a strip club, these women are dressed fully  

Juliet: Still strippers

Kennith walk into the club.

-Scene 4: Inside Strip Club

Phantom by Justice plays as dance number 1 begins.

This is where I come back into the story.

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