This, Is My Story: Part 7

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Turns out Joshua went home leaving his bag behind, he won't need it though, all we carry in our backpacks are looseleaf, pens, and a composition book. But things in Joshua's bag are organized and he has an emergency pack, pretty much condoms, bandages, batteries, gauze, a notepad, and 25 dollars. I put everything back to where I found it and go up to my room. I turn on my Ipod dock and a random song comes on that I don't recognize, It wasn't my Ipod. Joshua totally touched and removed things in my room without my acknowledge, I take his Ipod out of the dock and rest it on my dresser, and rummage through my room looking for my own Ipod.

He probably took it or something, I have something of his and he has something of mine, whatever. I put his Ipod back on the dock and I different song plays, I press forward to another random song which is in French, I understand some of the song but press forward again. Yet another song comes on and i take the Ipod off the dock and throw it on my bed "Stupid piece of shit can't even choose good music!" I say while I plop into bed. I call my mom and say I'm at my uncles house. She's fine with that and wishes me good night and We hang-up.

 Don't worry It's not even close to nighttime it's still around like 5 o'clock. I call Grace, Fiona, Jamie, Lola,and Ally on OoVoO. We video chat without interruptions from parents or siblings. I talk about Joshua and my Macbook's sound mutes from the sound of 5 screaming girls at the same time and movement. Grace leaves and I join James in the conversation, we talk nothing of Joshua in this conversation it's more like music in the background, showing others our room and the objects in it. The conversations cut short when we decide to talk to certain people under separate conversations. I choose my dear Lola, James, and Fiona. Sex pops up randomly but doesn't stick for long as a conversation.     

I get off OoVoO at 6 o'clock and go to the kitchen, Roxy,Jean and Teeny are let in from outside and just roam around the house. My brother and sister decide to come over as well. Me and my siblings all look similar, We all have dark brown hair with a tanned complection and brown eyes. My sisters hair peek-a-boo dyed blond and she colors it every 3 months with temporary hair dye. My brother had bleached dyed tips, I go natural because my mother won't let me dye my hair. They go to their rooms and just go at their business without me, it's regular for me.

I step outside and look at the stars, laying on the grass alone, fresh night time air. The navy blue colored sky is just wonderful. I get up and twirl around like a ballerina. throwing in a few fouette's randomly, I close my eyes and image a random prince charming even though I hate "perfect" guys or "perfect" images of guys I act as If I'm normal.


"Watch where your twirling ballerina!" I boys voice says rudely

"Mmmmm" I say as I rub my head

I'm now on the ground, my head throbbing and there he is, Joshua hovering over me again

"Why where you doing that?" He says confused


"You okay?"

I sigh and rest my head on the grass. Suddenly all of my weight shirts from my body to the air.

"Stay still"  Joshua says as he picks me up. He grunts as he does this

"Your not as heavy as I though!" he says again lightly.

He carries me to the front door and somehow can opens the door while holding me.

He gets upstairs and my head still throbbing and rests me on my bed carefully and leaves, closing the door behind him.

A tear rolls down my cheek

"Bye" I say with all the strengths I have and everything turns black 

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