54| Home Sweet Home

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Alexa was supportive of me as we chatted, and she genuinely wanted to know every detail of what had happened. I was glad to relay them to her, leaving out the Trent drama of course. Her and I got drunk on 2 bottles of champagne that she had purchased upon my return, and I was finally beginning to feel like I would be okay returning to my life, but I definitely missed the guys.

"Oh Cassie!" Alexa jumped up from the couch and stumbled over to where she kept a very unorganized pile of mail. "You got a package! It got here yesterday."

"Really? Who's it from?" I questioned. The package looked small.

"It's from...," she hesitated to squint at the address label, "Ooo! It's from Jake!"

My heart did a flip. I talked with him earlier today and he hadn't mentioned sending anything. I reached for it as Alexa brought it over to me.

I made quick work of opening the package, having no idea what it could be. When I opened it up, I was surprised to see that it was a doorknob. At first I was confused, but then I noticed that this doorknob had a lock. I also noticed there was a note attached.


I know that I am not there with you to keep you safe, but I meant what I said about always protecting you. Please, please, PLEASE, put this new doorknob on so that you can keep it locked at night. I can barely sleep knowing you're sleeping in the same apartment as that jack-ass without me there. At least this way, he can't get in without enough effort to wake you up, and you can be alert and prepared enough to kick his ass for me.

P.S., I picked this one out because it's not too difficult to install, but I'd be happy to walk you through it when you FaceTime me.

I love you so much. Can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms again.


My face split into a grin immediately. I almost forgot Alexa was in the room watching me until she spoke up. "A doorknob? That's not very romantic," she  said.

oh... you have no idea.

"Yeah... it's an inside joke," I lied. I didn't have a better explanation for her unless I went with the truth and said: "Oh yeah, it actually is because he sent me this to keep me safe from your perv of a boyfriend." I might one day open that can of worms again, but not tonight when we were both plastered on champagne and I had just gotten back.

After an hour longer, I excused myself for the night. I was feeling drunk, sleepy, and an overwhelming need to talk to the guys. I went into my room, and sent out a Snapchat call to our group. We did this often and at random times, and whoever was available could join in and out as they pleased. It wasn't long before I was chatting with Jake, Cam, Derek, and Wes.

The guys talked with me for a while, but eventually Jake had ordered me to drink lots of water and go to bed. As well as I thought I could hide how drunk I was, the guys always could tell. They knew me too well at this point.

I just chuckled and agreed to Jake's request, and despite my unease at returning to school, I had no troubles passing out for the evening.


Over the next 2 weeks, I learned that it was a good thing Jake had gotten me the lock. Trent was over at our house constantly, making even more sexual comments to me than before. Although I was definitely still bothered and would always be on edge around him, our interactions no longer crippled me with fear. The support and confidence instilled in me from my time with the guys made it easier to handle my past.

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